FMN | November 25th, 2019


FLXON Dan Foy has joined as the Print Im- provement Team at FLXON as Tech- nical Sales Engineer for the Central U.S. region; an area that includes the states of: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, New Mexi- co and Colorado. Apex Phill Rogers has been appointed Market Area Sales Manager in Ireland and the UK for Apex. Rogers has approximately 20 years of experience in the flexographic industry within the UK. In that time he has occupied various positions ranging from production, operations, commercial and sales and technical support. Hybrid Software Hybrid Software has promoted Mike Agness to Executive Vice President for the Americas, responsible for all sales and operations in North and South America. People & Places

Flexo Market News® is published bi-weekly by NV Business Publishers Corporation, in association with Board Converting News®, Corrugated Today® Recycling Markets®, International Paper Board Industry®, Folding Carton Industry®, and Board Converting News International. Marketing and Circulation offices: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802, Phone: (732) 245-3702. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $60 per year or $105 for two years. Overseas rate per year $80 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $5.00 in U.S. (elsewhere $7.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & handling. No part of this publication may be trans- mitted or reproduced without permission from the publisher. 'XHWRRXUFRQWLQXHGJURZWK$5&,QWHUQDWLRQDOLVQRZVHHN - LQJ LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH VDOHV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV &DQGLGDWHV VKRXOGKDYHDZRUNLQJNQRZOHGJHRI)OH[RJUDSKLFSULQWLQJDQG EHFRPSXWHUOLWHUDWH([FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGWLPHPDQ - DJHPHQWVNLOOVDORQJZLWKDWWHQWLRQWRGHWDLODUHDOOUHTXLUHG 7KHVH FKDOOHQJLQJ QHZ SRVLWLRQV RIIHU D FRPSHWLWLYH VDODU\ERQXV DQG EHQHÀWV SDFNDJH 4XDOLÀHG FDQGL - GDWHV DUH DVNHG WR VXEPLW D UHVXPH LQ FRQÀGHQFH WR ARC International is an Equal Opportunity Employer ARC International Now Hiring!! Celebrating their 35th anniversary, ARC International is a ZRUOGOHDGHULQWKHIDEULFDWLRQDQGUHPDQXIDFWXULQJRISUHFL - VLRQUROOVDQGVOHHYHV:LWKVWDWHRIWKHDUWSURGXFWLRQIDFLO - LWLHVLQERWK&KDUORWWH1&DQG/DV9HJDV19$5&,QWHUQD - WLRQDOPDQXIDFWXUHVDIXOOUDQJHRIDQLOR[UROOVDQGVOHHYHV DLUPDQGUHOVFDUERQÀEHUFKDPEHUV\VWHPVJOXHDQGPHWHU UROOVIHHGDQGSXOOUROOVDQGPXFKPRUHIRUWKHÁH[RJUDSKLF SULQWLQJLQGXVWU\

Dan Foy

Phill Rogers

Agness will operationally replace Mike Rottenborn, who was recently named CEO of Global Graphics Soft- ware, based in Cambridge, UK, effec- tive January 1, 2020. Agness joined Hybrid Software in 2011 after a ca- reer at Pitman Company and Agfa, and currently holds the position of VP sales for North America. Menasha Menasha Corporation has appointed Michael K. Waite to its board. Waite retired from Menasha Corporation on Decem- ber 31, 2018, following a career with the company spanning 37 years, including 15 as President of Mena- sha Packaging Company, LLC, a wholly owned subsidi- ary of Menasha Corporation. Waite serves on the Boards of Bemis Manufacturing Company and Charter Manufacturing Company. He graduated from Southampton Institute of Tech- nology in Southampton, England, and he is a graduate of Harvard’s Advanced Management Program. Mike Agness

Robyn Smith - President/Publisher Len Prazych - Vice President

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Michelle McIntyre - Production Manager Christine Eckert - Accounting Manager Jackie Schultz - Contributing Editor T.J. Vilardi - Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator

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