Light up the night against violence COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUNITY
aginations run wild for this one night, light- ing up the trees in their yeards with pink lighting or replacing their Christmas house or business lights with pink ones instead. The goal of the annual Day of Non-Vio- lence in Canada is to increase public aware- ness of the need to deal with physical, psychological and other kinds of abuse against both women and children. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell is al- ready on board, having declared last year to designate Dec. 6 as Day of Non-Violence in Prescott-Russell. «This day represents a regional initia- tive,» said Rachel Lamoureux, PRCAVAW spokeswoman, «which gives us hope for a more safe and secure life for the children and women of our community, while at the same time encouraging men prone to violence to change. We hope that this day also serves as an occasion to foster equality,
Midnight, Dec. 6, municipal buildings and public monuments will glow a rosy pink for the next 24 hours as a show of munici- pal solidarity in marking the Day of Non- Violence in Prescott-Russell. The Prescott-Russell Coalition Against Violence Against Women (PRCAVAW) urges everyone in communities throughout the two counties to take part in this symbol- ic event. Pink lightbulbs are now available for pickup at all municipal o$ces in Pres- cott-Russell. Anyone not able to get a pink lightbulb for their outdoor porch or yard light can post a pink ballon on their door as a sign of solidarity. Or homeowners can let their im-
Everyoneisinvitedtobuyapinklightbulb to take part in this year’s symbolic Take Back the Night event at midnight, Dec. 6. tolerance, justice, and peace.» Dec. 6 became National Day of Anti-Vio- lence in memory of the Montréal Massacre 25 years ago, when 14 women at Montréal Polytechnic were shot and killed by a mad- man just because they were women. «This year, marking the 25 th anniversary of theMontréal Massacre,» said Lamoureux, «it is important to note the struggles that have taken place for the rights of women and of those who are still seeking to achieve real equality. It is disappointing that on the 25 th anniversary of this event, we are still having to !ght all over the world for an end to vio- lence against women.» People taking part in the Dec. 6 event are invited to share their experiences, and those of their community, in supporting an end to violence against women and chil- dren by sending photos of their activities to Le magasin de la Fromagerie St-Al- bert a déménagé ses pénates dans les nouveaux locaux de l’entreprise, le 3 novembre dernier. La coordona- trice des magasins de Saint-Albert, Orléans et Mirabel, Josée Théoret, se dit emballée de la réponse du public. «Juste depuis le 2 novembre, l’achalandage a augmenté entre 5 et 10%. On o#re plus de produits locaux comme le miel, l’huile et les vinaigrettes, a-t-elle annoncé, et nous avons plusieurs idées cadeaux.» Le restaurant, de son côté, devrait ac- cueillir ses premiers clients au début de l’année 2015, et les bureaux admi- nistratifs déménageront en début d’année. La Fromagerie St-Albert fera son ouverture o$cielle le 3 février 2015, journée du deuxième anniver- saire du feu qui avait complètement ravagé l’ancienne fromagerie. Dernière ligne droite pour la Fromagerie
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