Directors adopted the building plan.
The Need for a suitable International Headquarters persists and a plan to meet this need has been developed. The Need is to forthwith combine efforts to build a facility representative of our ambitions and our requirements. The Challenge is to build a facility so that when it is ready for occupancy, it will be marked “paid in full.” Such a plan is being presented for consideration. The Story goes on to state that following a report by Past Grand Polemarch Hiliary H. Holloway, the delegates of the 68 th Grand Chapter passed a resolution authorizing the construction of a new headquarters building in Philadel- phia at the site adjacent to the present operations on North Broad Street. The resolution authorized the Grand Board of Directors to proceed with the construction of the Fraternity's Interna- tional Headquarters facility “substantially as designed by architect Andrew Bryant.” It further empowered the Grand Board to borrow funds, give a mortgage and execute ap- propriate documentation to secure adequate funding where necessary. The acceptance of a plan to construct a new headquar- ters building was considered by many to be the hallmark achievement of the Conclave's business sessions. The resolution ended more than a decade of discussion and indecision.
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