Kappa Journal (Senior Kappas Edition)


Brothers and friends of Kappa Alpha Psi. A home pro- vides shelter from nature's elements. A home provides a place of comfort, security, satisfaction and pride. The American way has taught us to strive to own a home among our valued material possessions. We go to work, save money, undertake home improvement ventures and enjoy the fruits of our labors within the walls of our places of residence. A home is more than a building; it is a place signifying accomplishment and achievement. It is reasonable that a fraternity comprised of more than 90,000 college-trained men with almost 700 chapters in the United States and abroad should have a place to call home. The structure at 2320 North Broad Street in Phila- delphia served as a home for us, but in recent years our home exposed us to rain, snow, cold and other uncom- fortable conditions. The building was too small, unrep- resentative and unsuitable for our expanding needs. We outgrew the old building and recognized that the time had come to move forward to provide a home of which Kappa Alpha Psi could be proud. Due to your generosity, we have come to this place on this day to dedicate our home. This new building, which by the favor of God and the labor of man has been completed, symbolizes the duty of each generation to develop to its highest potential, in order to leave the age that it inherits on a higher plane. For the fulfillment of this challenge, we need only the best of which man is ca- pable, but above all, the blessings of Almighty God. Let us, therefore, bring to Him our praises for His as- sistance in these endeavors and our prayers on behalf of the men of Kappa Alpha Psi, who by their generous consideration and service, shall participate in fulfilling the purpose for which this building is prepared. Bless the four corners of this house, and be the lintel blest; And bless the hearth and bless the board, and bless each place of rest; And bless the door that opens wide, To stranger, as to ken; And bless each crystal window-pane that lets the starlight in; And bless the roof-tree over head, and every sturdy wall. The peace of man, the peace of God, The peace of love on all.

July 6, 1991, 26 th Grand Polemarch Dr. Ullysses McBride greets Warren D. Miller (Kappa Iota 1982) during the dedication. The Journal thanks Brother Miller for the use of his materials from his personal archives.

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