W illiam Shakespeare once said, “Uneasy is a head that wears a crown.” If I did not know better, I would swear that Shakespeare was polemarch of a chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Any polemarch, past, present or sitting, will attest that lead- ing a group of college-educated men in our noble clan is far from easy. As the sitting polemarch and the youngest to ever lead the “Mighty” Memphis (TN) Alumni Chapter, I can certainly second that notion put forth by Shakespeare. But, my solace is in knowing that beside me stands a council of past polemarchs who are steadfast in ensuring that my administration will maintain the legacy of achievement that began in Memphis,
TN nearly 85 years ago. Like all great organizations, Memphis (TN) Alumni Chapter is challenged to remain vibrant and relevant in an ever- changing society. Our chapter is blessed to have a broad and diverse membership base. For us, relevancy means that we serve the needs of our revered seniors with honor and respect for the path they have forged, while at the same time engendering the loyalty and commit- ment of a future generation of brothers who will take us into the next decade and beyond. The wisdom to address this conundrum is invested in the Memphis Alumni Council of Past Polemarchs. The council brings together the collective genius of the 15 living past polemarchs.
The council facilitates the free flow of ideas and perspectives, with a focus on bridging the all too often generation divide that disrupts the harmony of a chapter. Each generation is allowed to maintain its identity and be authentic in how it carries out its commitment to the fraternity’s fundamental purpose. Together, council members guide the trajectory of the chapter as Memphis Alumni maintains positive and forward momentum. As a young polemarch, I stand in awe as I contemplate the gift to my admin- istration of the collective 555 years of experience in the bond of these astute gentlemen of culture, patriotism and honor. We stand united; ranging in age from 29-82 years old, profession-
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