
Metal vs. shingled roofs

How to fix minor cracks in your home’s foundation

conditions. They’re extremely long-lasting and won’t show signs of degradation for upward of 50 years.

If you’re in the market for a new roof, you might question whether traditional shingles or metal sheeting will work best for your home. Here’s an overview of what these op- WLRQVKDYHWRR൵HU • Shingled roofs are quicker and easier to install than metal roofs. One of the biggest advantages of using shingles is that they’re readily available and come in a large variety of colours and materials, including ¿EUHJODVVDQGDVSKDOW

Since concrete shrinks and settles as it cures, it’s common for hairline cracks to appear on basement walls. You don’t have to worry about these minor cracks. Simply monitor them to make sure they don’t get any bigger. However, it’s best to promptly seal any cracks that are wider than an eighth of an inch. To do so, you’ll need to purchase a caulking product formulated for concrete. Once you have the materials you require, scrub the crack clean with a wire brush. Then, inject the caulking product along the entire length of the crack. This will help keep water out and prevent the crack from worsening. However, if you have foundation cracks that are wider than half an inch, it’s best to call a contractor who can assess and repair the damage. Only a professional will be able to tell you if there are serious structural issues with your foundation that need to be addressed.

This type of roofing material is non- combustible, which means its resistant to FDWFKLQJ ¿UH 0HWDO LV DOVR D KLJKO\ recyclable material and consequently a popular option for consumers looking for an eco-friendly option. The biggest downside is that metal roofs FRVWVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUHXSIURQWWKDQVKLQJ led roofs. 5HJDUGOHVV RI ZKLFK URR¿QJ PDWHULDO \RX choose, it’s a good idea to consult several roofers. This way you can compare quotes DQGUHIHUHQFHVWR¿QGWKHULJKWFRQWUDFWRUIRU the job.

Unlike metal roofs, shingles are generally covered under extensive warranties against manufacturer errors and material defects. The biggest downside of using this material is that shingles need to be replaced every 15 to 20 years, which can end up being costly in the long run. • Metal roofs are known for their durability and ability to withstand extreme weather If you want to make improvements to your home, you might be tempted to take on a few projects yourself to save money. However, even if you have experience doing work around the house, certain tasks are best left to the experts. Here are four renovation projects Professional roofers have the equipment and experience to work safely on a roof and avoid injuries. Additionally, they know how to SURSHUO\ LQVWDOO YDULRXV URR¿QJ PDWHULDOV WR HQVXUHD¿QDOUHVXOWWKDW¶VVWXUG\ZHDWKHUSURRI and long-lasting. 2. DOING ANY KIND OF ELECTRICAL WORK Faulty wiring can lead to sudden power sur- JHV DQG ¿UHV ,I HOHFWULFDO ZRUN QHHGV WR EH done, hiring a licensed electrician is a must. These professionals know how to safely handle dangerous components and will make sure everything is up to code. it’s best to leave to a professional. 1. REPAIRING OR REPLACING A ROOF

4 renovation projects you should always leave to the pros 3. INSTALLING OR MOVING PLUMBING

bearing without taking the right precautions, you’ll compromise the entire structure of your home. Since load-bearing walls can be tricky to spot, this type of demolition work is best left to an expert. 7RKHOS\RX¿QGWKHULJKWSHUVRQIRUWKHMRE be sure to consult online customer reviews and ask potential contractors about their credentials and experience.

Do you want to add another bathroom to your home or move the kitchen sink to the other VLGH RI WKH URRP":RUNLQJ ZLWK D TXDOL¿HG plumber is the easiest way to avoid costly PLVWDNHVWKDWFRXOGOHDGWRÀRRGLQJDQGRW her types of water damage. 4. TEARING DOWN WALLS Knocking down a wall might seem like a simple task, but if you remove one that’s load-


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Alain Papineau Tel: 613-223-3181

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