POY Teen Handbook - English

Cole’s Story, 19, Tennessee Cole’s last words to his mom were, “I love you” before he went down the road to a friend’s house. An adult in the crowd, who had been drinking and taking drugs offered Cole, who was alcohol free, a ride in his truck. They never made it home.

Don’t be a story. Take action to stay safe: • Text a trusted adult a planned code word that means you need a safe ride home. • Have a rideshare app downloaded on your phone or the number of a taxi handy in case you can’t reach a friend or trusted adult. • Know that your parents or a trusted adult would rather pick you up than you get hurt or worse. • If necessary, the safest thing, and one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, is to call 911 to report a friend is driving drunk. It could save their life.

Do you know someone killed or injured due to drunk driving? How would that impact your choices?


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