King's Business - 1957-01


Cambridge the Bible W ITH THE UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE "A PRIEST SPEAKS HIS MIND" Rev. W. E. R. O'Gorman Reviewed in The Sunday School Times: "This book contains many interesting and informing observations." The book that answers hundreds of questions about the Roman Church—^ones that have puzzled you for years. 192 pages; imitation leatherette. Obtainable from bookstore or author, $2.25 postpaid. P.O. Box 1053, Glendale 5, California H ARR Y R IMM ER ’ S ROOKS EVERYBODY IS READING: EYES SHOULD BE EXAMINED YEARLY Dr. W. LaVem Salter, O.D. Dr. John Wm, Salter, B.S., O.D. Room 226, 610 So. Broadway, L.A. 14 TUCKER 4855 Serving Students & members since 1926 MONEY FOR YOUR TREASURY OVER 2,000,000 SUNFLOWER DISH CLOTHS Were sold in 1955 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for your organization. Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS Established 1915 Cohoes, N.Y. NEW Baptist Training Union Material Designed for Teen-Age thru Young Adult. Write today for Free Sample. © BAPTIST PUBLICATIONS 1732 Walton St. • Denver 2, Cole. rftffo e ta e tto ttA n eed ‘In d e p e n d e n t A New Year’s Gift Just $3 for 12 months SEND FOR BOOK LIST all obtainable at Berne Witness Co. Berne, Indiana



By Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D.

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

she might return from the country of Moab . . .” (Ruth 1:5,6). Notice what happens when I rub the bottom of this goblet with this piece of blue cloth which represents sorrow. When I place the goblet near the cotton, it immediately draws it. (Hold the middle of the bottom of the goblet on a level with the cot­ ton, to the side and near one end. This end will swing toward the gob­ let.) The goblet has become a mag­ net. Naomi had a drawing power after she had gone through sorrow. Her daughter-in-law, Ruth, felt the drawing power and said, “ . . . in­ treat me not to leave thee, or to re­ turn from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God” (Ruth 1:16). Many Christians, like Naomi, un­ fortunately wait until overtaken by sorrow before allowing their lives to draw others.

Jan. 6, 1957 A M a id a n d a M a g n e t

OBJECTS: A glass goblet, a drinking glass, a table knife, a piece of silk thread, a small piece of cotton and a piece of dark blue silk. (Turn the drinking glass upside down and place it on the table. Lay the knife across the bottom of the glass. Tie the thread around the blade end of the

knife. To this thread, tie the piece of cotton about halfway between the knife and the table. The cotton should be rolled, 3 inches long and about an inch thick. Tie the thread to the middle of the cotton.) LESSON: This morning we are going to make one of the strangest magnets you have ever seen. But first, I want to tell you about a woman in the Bible who at first had no drawing power but later was made into a human magnet. Her name was Na­ omi, and we will let her be repre­ sented by this beautiful goblet. She moved with her husband and two sons from the land of Israel to the land of Moab because of a famine. As I place the bottom of this goblet near the cotton on the thread, it has no effect on the cotton. You may be surprised when I tell you that this goblet can be changed and made into a magnet, just as Naomi’s life was changed. Sorrow came into the life of Naomi three times by the death of her hus­ band and her two sons, and after that her life was changed. We read, “ . . . and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband. Then she arose with her daughters in law, that

Jan. 13, 1957 L iv in g in t h e L ig h t

OBJECTS: Two paper circles, a pair of scissors, a bright light and a black handbag. (The circles should be made

of white paper, 3 inches wide and 8 feet long. Adding machine tape is suitable. Color half of each black on both sides, entirely around the circles. Before pasting the ends together, give one end of one paper a full twist. Paste the other together without twisting.) LESSON: These two circles of paper remind me of two young women of CONTINUED




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