The internal appeals policy is designed to provide information to learners, parents/carers and Teachers/Trainers on the appeals process and procedures. It recognises that learners seeking qualifications that are internally assessed have a right to seek a review of decisions that affect them. This policy will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure that appeals against internal assessment decisions within SCL Group are compliant with current requirements and regulations set by JCQ’s General Regulations for Approved Centres.
The purpose of this policy is to confirm the arrangements set by SCL Group for dealing with learner appeals relating to internal assessment decisions. It serves as a commitment to ensuring that whenever Teachers/Trainers mark learner work, that this is done fairly, consistently and in accordance with the awarding organisation’s specification and subject-specific associated documents. This policy ensures compliance with regulations which state that centres must: • have in place and be available for inspection purposes, a written internal appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions and to ensure that details of this procedure are communicated, made widely available and accessible to all learners. • before submitting marks to the awarding organisation inform learners of their centre assessed marks and allow a learner to request a review of the centre’s marking.
This policy applies to all learners studying within SCL Group. It underpins SCL Group’s core values and will be used objectively and free from discrimination in accordance with the Equality and Diversity policy.
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