SCL Group Appeals Process 24-25

3. inform learners that they may request copies of materials (generally as a minimum, a copy of the marked assessment material (work) and the mark scheme or assessment criteria plus additional materials which may vary from subject to subject) to assist them in considering whether to request a review of the centre’s marking of the assessment. 4. having received a request for copies of materials, promptly make them available to the learner within 10 working days. (This will either be the originals viewed under supervised conditions or copies) 5. inform learners they will not be allowed access to original physical assessment material, including artefacts, unless supervised. 6. provide learners with sufficient time, normally at least 5 working days, to allow them to review copies of materials and reach a decision informing learners that if their decision is to request a review, they will need to explain what they believe the issue to be. 7. provide a clear deadline for learner to submit a request for a review of the centre’s marking. Requests will not be accepted after this deadline. Requests must be made via email directly with the Teacher/Trainer in the first instance (Informal Review), within 30 calendar days of receiving the assessment grade. Learners must explain on what grounds they wish to request a review. 8. ensure that the review of marking is conducted by a Teacher/Trainer who has appropriate competence, has had no previous involvement in the assessment of that learner for the component in question and has no personal interest in the outcome of the review. 9. instruct the reviewer to ensure that the learner’s mark is consistent with the standard set by the centre. 10. inform the learner in writing of the outcome of the review of the centre’s marking. The outcome of the review of the centre’s marking will be made known to the Head of Quality (HOQ) who will have the final decision if there is any disagreement on the mark to be submitted to the awarding organisation. A written record of the review will be kept and made available to the awarding organisation upon request. The awarding organisation will be informed if the centre does not accept the outcome of a review. The moderation process carried out by the awarding organisation may result in a mark change, either upwards or downwards, even after an internal review. The internal review process is in place to ensure consistency of marking within the centre, whereas moderation by the awarding organisation ensures that centre marking is in line with national standards. The mark submitted to the awarding organisation is subject to change and should therefore be considered provisional.

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