Decisions about bursaries and Hardship Funds will be made by the Bursary committee which comprises of College Principal, Group Director of Learner Services, Head of Finance, Operational Support Services Manager and representatives from the following teams: MIS Funding and Compliance, Curriculum and Business Transformation.
Initial financial eligibility decisions are made by the Operational Support Services team.
All learners have a right to appeal against any decision made regarding a bursary awarded or not awarded, or against bursary payments being ceased for not meeting attendance or behaviour expectations. Appeals must be made in writing and submitted within two weeks of the decision. The final decision on appeal is taken by the Committee. At no point in the process will the circumstances of other Bursary receipts be discussed, for reasons of confidentiality.
When drafting your appeal please include as much information as possible:
Email Subject: Bursary Appeal
• •
Reason for appeal
• Justification of appeal with appropriate/required evidence of support justification.
Allocation is only regarding the scheme's Discretionary Bursary/Free Meals. Once eligible young people are identified, SCL Group must apply for the Vulnerable Young People Bursary element via a Funding Claim form to the SBSS. The Student Bursary Support Service, part of the ESFA, will then issue funding directly to the SCL Group. Secure records will be kept of all awards, receipts, and payments for audit purposes for a period of eight years in accordance with statutory financial regulations and ESFA retention requirements.
An annual report on the number of awards made and the total value will be provided by the Head of Finance to the Bursary Committee.
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