SCL Bursary Policy 23-24

provide clear evidence of the cost of travel in support of claims (e.g. train ticket, bus ticket, receipts, etc.). Where a learner is claiming mileage cost for use of their own vehicle in support of travel, where accepted this will be re-imbursed at a rate of 45p per mile. Due to the peripatetic nature of SCL Group Examination centres, travel expenses for examinations will automatically be awarded to any learner that qualifies for a bursary as they have already been assessed to have financial need in order to participate in education and examinations are a core part of that.

Application Process

Applications for a Bursary must be made using the correct application process and should be submitted in full by as soon as is practicable. Bursary awards will be made on a first come first served basis for all courses, learners are therefore encouraged to complete their applications as a matter of urgency. The application must be signed by the learner.

In most cases applications for non-travel items will be processed within one month and applicants will be informed in writing of the decision.

Subject to meeting the condition requirements as detailed below, any payments will be made by BACS to a bank account in the name of the learner (only) monthly. The learner must have a valid bank account in their name unless there are exceptional reasons.

Timing of payments will be at SCL Group’s discretion.

Qualifying Conditions

All learners who wish to apply for the bursary must meet the following conditions:

• Attendance: All young people must endeavour to meet punctuality and attendance requirements. Learners must present to their tutors mitigating evidence and/or explanation to maintain their bursary payments if attendance falls below these thresholds. • All learners must adhere to the terms of our Learning Agreements • Initial Assessments and Diagnostic Assessments must be fully completed before payments will be made.

If the learner does not meet these conditions, SCL Group reserves the right to withdraw or suspend Bursary payments.

In the event of a learner being overpaid in any capacity, SCL Group reserve the right to cease payments and/or request amount to be paid back.


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