Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021


VTXDUHWR8UDQXVUHWURJUDGH6DWXUQRIWHQUHSUHVHQWVDXWKRULW\¿JXUHV in your life while Uranus often represents the rebellious side of your QDWXUH6DWXUQDOVR UHSUHVHQWV WKHQHHG WRKROGRQ WR WKHSDVWZKLOH Uranus represents the need to move out of past constraints and into QHZRSSRUWXQLWLHV6RLW¶VQRVXUSULVHZKHQWKLVDVSHFWRFFXUV\RXIHHO tension and you also see tension on a global level.  7KH¿UVWWLPHWKLVDVSHFWRFFXUUHGZDVRQ)HEUXDU\ZKHQ ERWK6DWXUQDQG8UDQXVZHUHGLUHFW$WWKDWWLPH\RXPD\KDYHEHHQ presented with situations in your life where you had to make decisions DERXWIXWXUHJRDOV2U\RXPD\KDYHGHFLGHGWRSXWR̆WKRVHGHFLVLRQV EHFDXVHRI\RXGLGQ¶WIHHO\RXKDGDOOWKHIDFWV  :KHQWKLVDVSHFWRFFXUUHGWKHVHFRQGWLPHRQ-XQH6DW - urn was retrograde and Uranus was direct. While you may have once again been put into a situation where you needed to make some de- FLVLRQV\RXVWLOOZHUHQ¶WUHDG\WROHWJRRIWKHSDVWDQGPRYHLQWRWKH future. Or if you were ready to move on, you may have felt trapped by VRPHFRQVWUDLQWDQG\RXFRXOGQ¶WPRYHRQ Now that this aspect is occurring for the last time, you need to look DWDVSHFWVRI\RXU OLIH WKDWDUHQ¶WPHHWLQJ\RXUQHHGV LQRUGHU WRGH - WHUPLQH MXVWZKDW W\SHRIFKDQJHV WRPDNH ,W¶VSRVVLEOH\RXU MREQR ORQJHU¿WV\RXUQHHGVEHFDXVHLW¶VQRWJLYLQJ\RXHQRXJKWLPHWRVSHQG with family and friends. Or you may feel you do need more structure in \RXUOLIHDV\RXIDFHDOOWKHXQNQRZQVLQWKHZRUOG,WKHOSVLI\RXFDQ think back to what happened in your life around February and June of this year. You may have made some decisions back then that need to be re-evaluated; or you may have decided to wait a while before mak- LQJOLIHFKDQJLQJGHFLVLRQVDQGQRZ\RX¿QG\RXFDQZDLWQRORQJHU  $VWKH\HDUFRPHVWRDFORVH-XSLWHUHQWHUVWKHVLJQRI3LVFHV RQ'HFHPEHU WK DQG VWD\V LQ WKLV VLJQXQWLO0D\  ,WZLOO

DOVREH LQ WKHVLJQRI3LVFHV IURP2FWREHUXQWLO'HFHPEHU   :KHQ-XSLWHULVLQWKHVLJQRI3LVFHVLW¶VLQRQHRIWKHVLJQVLWUXOHV 7KHRWKHUVLJQ-XSLWHUUXOHVLV6DJLWWDULXV $VRQHRIWKHFRUXOHUVRI Pisces, Jupiter, when in the sign of Pisces, represents your desire to move out of the realm of reality and into the realm of dreams, hopes, DQGZLVKHV,WDOVRUHSUHVHQWV\RXUGHVLUHWRUHWUHDWIURPPDQ\RIWKH VRFLDODFWLYLWLHV WKDWPD\EHH[SHFWHGRI\RX,Q WKHSRVLWLYH-XSLWHU in Pisces represents your desire to understand the spiritual aspects of \RXUOLIHVR\RXFDQDSSO\PRUHFRPSDVVLRQWRH[WHUQDOVLWXDWLRQV,Q the negative, Jupiter in Pisces can represent the desire to self-medi- cate in order to avoid pain. This can lead to addictions and other an- ti-social behavior. Jupiter in Pisces can also represent the desire to KLGH ZKR \RX UHDOO\ DUH VR RWKHU SHRSOH ZRQ¶W MXGJH \RX KDUVKO\ $ JRRGH[DPSOHRIWKLVLVWKHQHZVKRZRQ)R[FDOOHG³$OWHU(JR´ Economically, there is a greater emphasis on reviewing and even changing how currency operates in your life when Jupiter is in Pisces. Currently, both governments and corporations are getting more in- volved in crypto currency as a means of speeding up the distribution of money as well as gaining more control over the actual dollar. Even LI\RX¶UHQRW LQYROYHG LQ FU\SWR FXUUHQF\\RXDUH LQYROYHG LQYLUWXDO currency by the fact that most bills are paid online and many sales are also online.  %HFDXVH-XSLWHULQ3LVFHVFDQKHOS\RXLQFUHDVH\RXUVHQVHRIFRP - SDVVLRQ\RXPD\¿QGDVPRUHGLVHQIUDQFKLVHGSHRSOHFODLPWKHLUED - sic rights, you can begin to understand why their rights are just as important as yours are. When Jupiter was in the sign of Aquarius, you saw many tipping points in society where people demanded change

continued on page 62

PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22—21

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