Pathways_Magazine_Winter 2021


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out emotions and release feel-good endorphins. Their spontaneous wellness rituals are what allow their mere presence to organically be a force of healing for all beings around them, but especially with those with whom they share soul contracts. We, too, can become vessels of healing for those in our orbit by hon- oring our companion animal teachers by emulating their teachings: • Tend to your vibration and strive to maintain a higher frequency to feel more love and joy more frequently. • Listen without judgment.  ‡ %H YXOQHUDEOH /RYH XQFRQGLWLRQDOO\ HYHQ ZLWK WKH ULVN RI \RXU heart being broken. Love is worth it. • Accept everyone as they are and wherever they are on their jour- ney as right and perfect for them.  ‡/RYHRWKHUVXQFRQGLWLRQDOO\ZLWKRXWWU\LQJWRFRQWURORU¿[WKHP • Consciously create a safe, loving space for others.  ‡%H\RX$XWKHQWLFLW\LVDJLIWWR\RXUVHOIDQGDOOWKRVHDURXQG\RX • Forgive yourself and others, as this will free up space in your heart to trust and feel love again. • Quiet the mind and be in the present moment to spontaneously serve others.  $QLPDOVDUHYLWDOFRQWULEXWRUVIRUUDLVLQJWKHSODQHW¶VIUHTXHQF\DQG DUHEHFNRQLQJXVWRMRLQWKHPRQWKHSDWKWRIHHOLQJOHVVVX̆HULQJDQG PRUH ORYH,W LVSDUWRIWKHLUPLVVLRQ,EHOLHYHWRJXLGHKXPDQLW\WR IROORZWKHLUOHDGWRDJHQWOHUPRUHORYLQJZD\RIEHLQJDQGOLYLQJ,W is therefore incumbent on us to treat all animals with respect, dignity, and compassion.  ,QWHJUDWLQJFRPSDQLRQDQLPDOZLVGRPQHHGQRWEHGL̇FXOW$ZDN - en to their teachings! Look deeper. Embrace each teaching as a sacred gift. As you welcome and follow the guidance that companion animals IUHHO\DQGJHQHURXVO\PRGHOIRU\RX\RXMXVWPLJKW¿QG\RXUOLIHVKLIW - ing from ordinary to extraordinary. Tammy Billups is an international healer, teacher, award-winning au- WKRURI WZRERRNV$QLPDO6RXO&RQWUDFWVDQG6RXO+HDOLQJZLWK2XU$Q - imal Companions, and pioneer on the animal-human sacred soul part- QHUVKLS 7KH FUHDWRU RI DQLPDOKXPDQ 7DQGHP +HDOLQJV VKH KDV EHHQ D &HUWL¿HG,QWHUIDFH7KHUDSLVW %LRHQHUJHWLFV IRURYHUWZRGHFDGHV  &DP0DF4XHHQ06:LVWKHFUHDWRUPDQDJHURIWKH³&XOWLYDWLQJ&RP - SDVVLRQ´FROXPQ,I\RXKDYHDQLGHDIRUDQDUWLFOHIHHOIUHHWRHPDLO&DPDW WKHEORFNR̆ELOWPRUH#JPDLOFRP

Eileen Strange Messages to You through "Me”

Intuitive Empath Psychic Medium Medical Intuitive Empath Coach 443-838-9147

Photo by Alec Favale on Unsplash

PATHWAYS—Winter 21-22—23

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