The years following Nard’s salvation brought an incredible journey orchestrated by the hand of God. Nard explains that he wanted to attend high school but could not afford to go. “Little did I know that God had a ‘flight plan’ for me!” God opened a door for Nard to fly to the southern part of the Philippines where he could attend high school. Over time, God grew a desire in Nard’s heart to become a missionary pilot. He went on to serve with Wycliffe for 40 years, contributing to the translation of the Isnag New Testament in 1980 and completing 8,000 flight hours. Through the years, Nard encouraged many Isnag people to study at Word of Life Bible Institute in the Laguna province of the Philippines. There, people from Nard’s homeland could gain a foundation in God’s Word and receive training for ministry. Many of these Bible Institute graduates returned to the Isnag people to serve as pastors, worship leaders, and children’s ministry workers.
Mark trusted Christ as Savior at Word of Life, and he went on to serve as the pastor of Dibagat Bible Church in 2008. “But I really wanted to have the Bible in my own heart language,” he explains. At that point, only the New Testament along with a few books from the Old Testament had been written in Isnag. With perseverance, Mark worked alongside Rudy Barlaan (a translator who served with Dick Roe and continued the work after Dick went home to be with the Lord) to complete the translation.
Children standing outside Dibagat Bible Church
Nard at FL Missions Conference 2024
Isnag Bible Dedication Candlelight Service
Mark Pugayo Family Photo
Nard – Missionary Pilot
One person who was profoundly impacted by the ministry of Word of Life Philippines was Nard’s nephew, Mark Pugyao.
“I came to know Christ in 2002,"
Nard at Bible Dedication
Mark shares. “My sister was at Word of Life Bible Institute, and she asked if I could attend the youth camp there.” Mark describes himself as lost at that point in his life. When the pastor preached the gospel message at camp, however, everything changed. “As I sat there, the Lord opened my heart. I was crying. I realized I was a sinner, and I needed a Savior in my life.”
Philippine Road
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