King's Business - 1937-03

March, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


false religions lay the emphasis on these aspects of life, and miss the most impor­ tant aspect, the spiritual.

of ÜSgntns iïp îGmip” By CECILIA MARGARET RUDIN, M. A. " I can conquer the world alone!” This is the triumphant spirit great hymns inspire— such as those which "'Stones of Hymns W e Love” makes vivid, personal and alive. NEW ENLARGED EDITION Perfect remembrance for Easter, Mother's Day and Children’s Day Covers 400 years of inspired hymn writing. Hymns by Luther, Wesley, Stebbins, Barnby, Bliss and Fanny Crosby. Gives the origin, authorship and drama behind “ Christ, the Lord is ]£iscn Today,” ‘‘Jesus Loves Me,” “ Home, Sweet Home,” The Old Rugged Cross,” and many others. Richly illustrated, beautifully bound in blue leatherette doth, gold embossed. 88 pages, 155 subjects—hymns, composers, etc. Price $1.00. Order direct or through your church supply house JOHN RUDIN & COMPANY, INC, 1018 South Wabash Avenue, Dept. K .B., Chicago, Illinois

Golden Text Illustration E zekiel 1S:4

After an earnest sermon by a distin­ guished minister, dealing plainly and pointedly with sin, one of the church offi­ cers came to the study of the pastor and expressed himself somewhat as follows: “We do not want you to talk as plainly as you did about sin, because if our boys and girls hear you talking so much about sin, they will more easily become sinners. Call it a mistake if you will, but do not speak so plainly about sin.” The pastor took down a small bottle of strychnine, marked “Poison,” and showed it to his visitor, saying, “ I see what you want me to do. You want me to change the label. Now, suppose I take this label off and substitute another, say, ‘Essence of Peppermint,' do you not see what hap­ pens? The milder you make your label, the more dangerous you make your poison.” —Revival Sermons, by J. Wilbur Chapman.

“ God ’ s Separated Portion” Are you getting the fullest measure of blessing out of faithful STEWARDSH IP with the money with which God has entrusted you? For helpful literature write Field Department

In the Garden o f Eden G enesis 3:1-24

The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

Memory Verse: “They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Gen. 3:8). Approach: Have you been wondering what it was that God told Adam and Eve that they must not do? It was this. In the middle of the beautiful garden there

were Adam and Eve, and all of the sinning people who should live after them, to get back to God? God made Adam and Eve a promise—He would send a Saviour who should bear their sins for them. And God did this very thing. He sent His “only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”


stood a tree. God called it the tree “of th e knowledge of good and evil.” God said that Adam and Eve must not eat of the fruit of this tree. Lesson Story: One

CHARACT E R Every page and fea­ ture o f “ The Service Hymnal” carries the stamp o f character and quality. Bound as few books are for lasting wear. A. he new exclu­ siv e fea tu re o f la cq u e re d co v ­ ers keeps gold stamping tarnish-proof and preserves original fresh appear­ ance. Suitable for every reli­ gious use, “ The Service Hym­ nal” is the first classified hymnal to b e orchestrated. In clu des descants to popular tunes. Price per 100, not prepaid, only $60.00. W rite today for sample. If a smaller book is needed ask for a copy o f “ Devotional Hymns” or “ Hymns for Christian Service” . For returnable sample write name and address in margin, clip and mail. Give church and denomination. NoteBindingFeature a.

day the serpent, who was r e a l l y Satan, came to Eve and said something like this: “ Did God say that you couldn’t eat of every tree in the garden?” This made Eve think about this one tree. She told the serpent about the one tree that stood in the middle of the garden, and she said: “ God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it . . . lest ye die.” “ Ye shall not surely die,” said the ser­ pent. And he went on to say that God had just said that, in order to keep them from eating the fruit, because, so Satan said, if Adam and Eve should eat of the fruit of that tree, they would be “ as God” (v. 5, R.V.). Wasn't that a wicked thing to say about the loving God who had made the world and the garden for them? Eve looked at the fruit. It looked so good. She was hungry, too. She began to wonder whether the serpent was right. Perhaps she wouldn’t die if she ate of this fruit. She’d try it anyway. She took some and ate, and gave some to Adam. They did not obey God, and that is the way sin came into the world, and that is the reason that people die. And now God couldn’t come and walk and talk with Adam and Eve. He was a holy God and they were sinners. How

Object Lesson C orks an d C h ristians

Objects: A tumbler, enough corks of dif­ ferent sizes to fill it, and a pitcher of water. (Blacken the corks with permanent ink.) Lesson: This empty glass reminds me of Eve in the garden. Her heart was free from sin, but it did not stay that way long. Satan, the devil, as “the serpent,” came along and threw into her heart a little doubt, a little question, about God’s telling her not to eat of the fruit of the certain tree, but this doubt opened her heart for the sin o f . disobedience to enter. We will put this small black cork in the empty glass to remind us of the doubt which Satan put in Eve’s heart. Satan then followed with a denial, “ Ye shall not surely die.” Eve believed the lie of Satan, and she took the fruit which God had forbidden her to take. She ate some

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