March, 1937
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
window shade, an imitation cigarette, an imitation playing card, an imitation the ater ticket, and a small flask-shaped bottle of vinegar. (Fasten one end of the spring to the center of the cross and the other end to the top of the heart. Use four pieces of string, and tie the cigarette, card, ticket, and bottle near the bottom of the heart. Run each string down to nails in a board. Fasten this board to a table, and stretch the spring out until the cross can be fast ened to the pulpit or to some other high object. Do this before the audience ap pears, and cover with a cloth.)
F ive Interesting Bible Games
BIBLE TRAITS BIBLE BOOKS A Popular and Successful Method of Imparting Bible Knowledge to Groups of Boys and Girls, Youths, and Men and Women, or Mixed Groups of All Ages. AN ENJOYABLE PASTIME FOE THE HOME Three to Fifteen May Play—Simple Rules Prevail. Attractively Boxed. Price, 50 cents each, 60 cents postpaid. Send for Descriptive Circular. GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM CO. 1M B RO ADW A Y Dapt. I l N B W YORK, » . Y . ChurchandSundaySchool Supplies of everydescriptionsince 1848.
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named Haran who had died and left a little son named Lot. Abraham took Lot to live with him and treated him as his own son. Abraham moved about because he owned many sheep and cattle and must have food and drink for them. When Lot grew up he owned many animals, too. As the flocks of sheep and cattle grew, Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen sometimes quarreled over the feeding grounds. This made Abraham feel very sad. One day he called Lot to him and said something like this: “ There is plenty of room for all of the cattle. We are rela tives and must not quarrel like this. Let us divide the land. You look about and decide where you want to settle, and I will take what is left.” Lot looked around. On one side were the bare, rocky places with little water. Beyond lay the sparkling river with green fields and in the midst a big city. He chose that place to live, and he went down to the city of Sodom. His uncle, Abraham, was left only the rocky hillside. Did Lot make a good choice? He chose the best for himself. This was a selfish choice. He left the worst for the one who had cared for him all of .his life. It turned out not to be a good choice either, because Lot left the open country and went to live in a city filled with wicked people, and soon Lot himself became friendly with them instead of really loving God.
Have You A Boy To Educate? Then you have a sacred responsi bility to see that he is surrounded with strong Christian influences and given good preparation for college and life. One reason for the college success of many a Stony Brook graduate is studying under men who know what it means to go through the prep- school and college mill. They know the difficulties and how to help a boy overcome them. S tony B rook also provides an ath letic and school-activities program that gives every boy a chance. Ex perience under an able prep-school coach has helped many a boy make his college class or varsity team. But most important of all— Stony B rook is a Christian school, with an atmosphere that encourages devotion to the Lord and to right living.
Lesson: Boys and girls, look at this strange heart! What is the mater with it ? “ It is being held down by several things.” This black heart has an up pull and a down pull. Did you know that there is an up pull and a down pull for each one of us? Christ said: “ I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). Jesus Christ was “ lifted up” on Calvary on the cross. He is draw ing people to Him today, but the things of the world often keep them from re sponding to His drawing power. We have been studying about temper ance today, and here is a bottle reminding us of whiskey. We do not want this heart to be kept from Christ by anything — not this whiskey, nor this playing card, not a cigarette, nor a show ticket nor any other form of evil. When the heart is willing to let Christ really cut it free from every sin that holds it away from Him, the heart, responding to the drawing power of Christ, is drawn very close to Him. The black sin leaves the heart, and it is pure and clean. Don’t let the things of the world keep you from accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour.
This school may be just the op portunity you are seeking: for your boy. N ow is the time to investigate. Applications for entrance for next fall must soon be made. W rite to the Head master for a catalogue and tell him about your boy—his age, school progress, church relations, and probable college.
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Please Mention King’s Business
^ J t o n y f i r o o k J d w o l Frank E. Gaebelein, Litt. D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, New York
Object Lesson T he U p and D own P ulls
Objects: A large cardboard cross col ored red, a large white cardboard heart covered with black paper which can be removed, a spring such as is found in a
r „ _ J C a m n l o e of NEGLECTED Bible TRUTHS F | P P ng the Rich,, Abortion, Lodges 4 1 w v Lust, 11. Divorce, Suicide, Tobacco, il. Birth- Control, Self Abuse, booklet; Tight Wads, Gambling. Wife's Test, book. Girl's Fate, 9 11. Woman’s Tragedy, 6 il. Grave Snakes, 3 il. Is TTF.T.Tv ETERNAL? 1 Minute After Death ; startling. Ea. 6c. ALL 30c. Stamps will DO. But a $1 BILL brings 100 Titles. Is your SOUL worth $1? Scriptural League, K. B., Youngstown, 0.
APRIL 25, 1937 THE OBEDIENCE OF NOAH G enesis 5:28 to 9:28
Lesson Text: Genesis 8:20-22; 9:8-17. Golden Text: “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house” (Heb. 11:7). Outline and Exposition I. T he A ltar of N oah (8:20-22) H ere for the first time in the Bible, burnt offerings are mentioned (v. 20). From the Book of Leviticus we learn that the burnt offering typifies our Lord Jesus in all His glorious perfections as He appears before God. The burnt offering was a “ sweet savor” or, literally, a “ savor of rest” unto God
(v. 21). Reference to the “sweet savor” is found all through Scripture, reminding us that the sacrifice of Christ not only BLACKBOARD LESSON
Bible Test FREE SEE H O W MUCH Y OU KHOW ABOUT THE BIBLE T housands of men and wo men all oyer the world have had definite spiritual uplift from the home study of Moody Bible Institute Correspondence
Courses. Fifteen courses from $2.50 to $15. All of them helpful. Over 9400 students, ages 10 to 80, at work. Begin any time. Make the winter months count for better Bible knowledge. M O O D y ” b IBLE IN S t T t UTE O F C H IC AG O Dept. 4203, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, Illinois Please send me FREE Bible Test. FREE illustrated Prospectus of following courses: □ Introductory Bible, □ Great Epochs of Sacred History. □ Teacher Training, □ Practical Christian Work, □ Christian Evidences, □ Synthetic Bible Study, □ Scripture Memorising, □ Mountain Peaks of Prophecy, □ Scofield Bible Course. Name ............................................................................... . Address .... ..............»...... ............ ................... .........
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