

Most oppose legalization of prostitution: Lemieux

this recent ruling will be of tremendous

it as a career option for those who would

the ‘safety’ of brothels,” said Lemieux.

benefit to their operations. This court ruling


experience the most direct harm. The sex

“Let’s take Nevada as an example, as

also facilitates the exploitation of our

trade is bad for everyone, both the people

it is the only U.S. state where prostitution

vulnerable youth and women and will

involved in it and society.”

is legal. Researchers in Nevada have

Glengarry-Prescott-Russell MP

increase human trafficking,” stated


found that the legalization of brothels

Pierre Lemieux says he speaks for most


Minister regarding the Court of Appeal

does not stop violence and it does not

inopposing the legalizationof brothels.

The MP says that in a survey of all

decision and the results of his survey.

stop abuse or psychological and physical

The Conservative MP expressed his

households in the riding, 60 per cent of

Lemieux fully supports the federal

injury to those involved. Not only that,

disappointment with the Ontario Court

respondents said prostitution should

government announcement that this court

Nevada has a higher rate of rape than

of Appeal ruling to decriminalize

remain illegal. This same high percentage

ruling will be appealed.

the rest of the United States. Legalizing

brothels, saying that the result would

also indicated that they would support the




brothels and prostitution is clearly not

mean greater access to prostitution and

government putting in place new laws, if

prostitution have not been successful in

the answer for improvingwomen’s safety

as a result, greater exploitation of

necessary, toensure that activities involving

eliminatingharmtoprostitutes, evenwithin

in Canada.”

vulnerable youth and women.

prostitution remained illegal.

Lemieux also stated that legalized

”Prostitution primarily involves the

access to prostitution would facilitate

exploitation of women for the pleasure of

“Hulk house” impasse

the operations of criminal groups, such

men. It ruins marriages and as a result,

as organized crime, which are already

destroys families. As the father of four

heavily involved in prostitution.

daughters, I believe that I speak for many

”Canadians have asked us to pass

corner of Du Quai Street and Principale

parents when I say that our children should

legislation which fights crime, protects

Street in Wendover. So far the owner of

be discouraged from engaging in this


victims and reduces human trafficking.

the empty hulk has shown no inclination

lifestyle and that parents need to be

Increased access to prostitution does

to have it torn down and has avoided all

supported by government, ensuring that

none of this. Organized crime is heavily

The burned-out shell of a house still sits

official attempts at contact about the ruin.

access to prostitution remains illegal. By

involved in prostitution and I worry that

surrounded by yellow warning tape at the

Marc Daigneault, chief administrative

legalizing prostitution, we would validate

officer for Alfred-Plantagenet Township,

reported that efforts so far to get in touch

withtheownerof thepropertyhave failed.

The municipality has a postal address

for the owner but it is a simple mailbox

drop-off, not a street address. Several


letters have been sent without any reply.

“When he sees it’s a letter from the

• Consommation d’essence de 4,9 L/100 km sur route (Cruze Eco) 2 • 10 sacs gonflables de série • Freins ABS aux 4 roues • Système StabiliTrak MD et antipatinage

municipality, he doesn’t pick it up, even

if it’s registered,” Daigneault said. “The

mail comes back to us undelivered.”

Fire destroyed the house several

months ago. Fire officials have closed

their casebookonthe incident afterhaving

determined that the fire was not

PRIX À L’ACHAT 16999 $ 3

suspicious in nature.

Since then the pile of debris remains

sitting in the middle of the walls that are

still standing. The township has begun

FINANCEMENT À L’ACHAT 84 MOIS 93 $ 3 auxdeux semaines 0 % 0 $ de

the legal process required to deal with the



“We’ve issued an order,” he said,

citing the property standards bylaw.

Comprend transport

The township has posted a sign at the

ModèleLTZ illustré

property site declaring the wreckage as

dangerous and requiring demolition

0 % 84 JUSQU’À

under the bylaw. Daigneault said that


under law the owner is deemed to have

been served notice.

The owner has 21 days from the date

of issueof theorder toeither complyor file

a complaint to the township’s property


standards committee, demanding a

reviewof thematter. Thedeadline for him

to do one or the other expired after the

May long weekend.

If the owner fails to obey the order,

then the township can choose to do the

demolition and cleanup work itself and

add the cost to the owner’s next property

tax bill.

ModèleLTZ illustré

Modèle5portes LTZ illustré

Road dispute leads

to mediation

SILVERADOLS CABINEALLONGÉE • Garantie5ans/160000km (60000kmde plus que Ford et Dodge) 4


0 $ de FINANCEMENTÀL’ACHAT84MOIS 149 $ 3 auxdeux semaines comptant



SONICLS BERLINE • TéléphonieBluetooth MD de série

Harrington Township hope third-party

PRIXÀL’ACHAT 24599 $ 3

intervention will help resolve a dispute

over a shared road.

FINANCEMENTÀL’ACHAT84MOIS 85 $ 3 auxdeux semaines 0 % 0 $ de

TheCommissionmunicipale deQuébec

will preside over mediation between the



Comprendtransport PRIXÀL’ACHAT 15499 $ 3

two municipalities which have reached

an impasse over the maintenance of

Harrington Road.

Harrington Township has complained

that the neighbouring municipality has

not failed to provide adequate snow

removal and repairs on its portion of the

road. Harrington reasons that it would be


the work on the route and billedGrenville-

sur-la-Rouge for the service.

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