


Dry conditions


Township is

preparing a by-

law to set out



prompt SNC to issue

setbacks for

wind turbines


after receiving

a suggestion to

water conservation notice

that effect from

the Township of


Naomi Langlois-Anderson noted, “Impacts

Wainfleet. The

of Level 1 conditions are less in the spring



when compared to late summer months.



This is due to differences in the water

which has been

Dry conditions prompted South

temperatures. There could, however, be

circulated to

Nation Conservation to last week issue

potential issues to fish being unable to


Students at Plantagenet Public School

a water conservation advisory.

access nesting areas due to shallow waters


were marching to a different beat recently,

Theagency issuedaLevel 1LowWater

causing disruption in fish spawning and

learning about fitness and hand-eye

in Ontario, also

Condition across the South Nation River

habitat availability.”

coordination through the high-energy fun

calls for

watershed. “A Level 1 Low Water

Pat Piitz, Director of Lands and Fisheries

of DrumFIT.


condition means a potential low water

added, “Forests have the ability to tolerate

Participants from Kindergarten to

for adverse

supply problem has been identified,”

drier conditions to some degree, however,

Grade 8 enjoyed the increasingly popular

health effects

explains environmental technologist

greater impact may be observed during the

school fitness craze, which sees students

or property

Jason Symington. SNC declared the low

tree planting season as newly planted trees

drumon exercise balls, dance, andpractise

value loss

water condition due to minimal amounts

may have a lower survival rate.”

group balancing – all to the high-energy

caused by the

precipitation since February of this year.

The goal of a Level 1 Low Water

beat of modern rock and hip hop tunes.

There are three levels of low water


Condition is to reduce water use by ten per

DrumFIT co-founder Val Shah of

conditions. A Level 2 condition involves

cent through voluntarywater conservation.

Waterloo led the students through fun, 50-

conservation and restrictions on non-

SNC encourages the following simple

minute workshops.

essential water use. A Level 3 Condition

water conservation practices:

Entertaining routines, performed to

could mean restriction and regulation to

1. Repair all leaks around the home.

popular tunes such as LMFAO’s Party

reduce water use.

2. If you must water your lawn, early

Rock Anthem, are designed to build

Under the Ontario Low Water

morning or late evening watering reduces

strength, endurance and balance.

Response Program, conservation


And the workshops are appealing to

authorities have each formed a Water

3. Use a pail of soapy water to wash your

childrenof all athletic levels, stressedShah.

Response Team to ensure that the public

car and rinse it off quickly with a hose.

“It’s very non-threatening and non-

is provided with advance warning of

4. Water plants with water collected in a

competitive,” she explained of DrumFIT.

reduced water availability, and that

rain barrel.

“It’s a fun way to get students moving.


related decisions are made by local

5. If youmust run the tap, save the excess

Kids just don’t get enough time to play and


water for watering plants.

have fun in a non-threatening

The SNCWater Response Team, made

Within the next two weeks, the region is

atmosphere.” And while it may seem like

up of representatives fromprovincial and

not expected to receive a significant amount

claim rule

play, there are some serious healthbenefits

municipal governments, agriculture and

of rain.

to be gained through DrumFIT, said Shah.

special interest groups, will meet to

The South Nation River begins at its

The quick pace raises students’ heart rates

discuss the effects of low water

headwater streams near Brockville and

and helps decrease stress and anxiety in


throughout the watershed.

gathers water from as far away as Maxville

young children. The drumming on the

Low water conditions have adverse

to the east, and the City of Ottawa to the

exercise balls also allows for creative

effects on groundwater, which could

west, before it empties into theOttawaRiver

expression and improves hand-eye

result in dry wells. Surface water will

near Plantagenet.



coordination.Most importantly, it inspires

also be impacted, resulting in poor fish

Please contact Lisa Migneault at

a passion for activity and fitness, and

and water quality due to reduced flows. or visit website

research suggests that fit children aremore

Senior fish and wildlife technician

at for more information.

A change in Ontario’s livestock damage

engaged and ready to learn. The difficulty

compensation program will hurt many

of the routines employed depended on the

animal owners in the province.

age of participants, but all students were

Protect yourself

So saymanymunicipalities that are trying

enthralled with the program. The

to convince the province to amend the

engagement was evident on the faces of

eligibility requirement under the scheme

children such as Kindergarten student

that helps farmers whose livestock is killed

from ticks and mosquitoes

Madi Craig, who blazed through her

or injured by wildlife.

drumming exercises as Katy Perry’s

Underachange totheprogram, applicants

Firework blasted out of nearby speakers.

By Linda Cléroux

must have a valid Farm Business

The students were encouraged to drum at

Program Manager, Vector-Borne Illness

Registration Number. This new rule “is

a regular pace and then double time to the

Eastern Ontario Health Unit

unfair for those who do not meet the

driving beat of the popular hit. A later

With warmer spring and summer months come special risks for anyone who

eligibility criteria,” according to a motion

routine to Mission Impossible saw the

spends time outside. These can include West Nile virus and Lyme disease.

from Havelock-Belmont-Methuen. The

young children flee the “enemy” on an

West Nile virus is spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito and

resolution, which has been supported by

imaginary “pogo stick” – hopping away

can cause illness ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to severe neurological

Champlain Township, notes that the FBR

from their ball before rushing back to it

problems. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected

requirement will affect a wide range of

again as a hiding place and home base.

blacklegged tick (deer tick). Lyme disease has been on the rise in Ontario; in fact, ticks

livestock owners, such as hobby farmers,


testing positive for the disease were found in the Eastern Counties in 2011. Lyme

those who produce meat for their own

disease can cause a rash that looks like a red bull’s eye, as well as flu-like symptoms.

families and those who have animals as

Left untreated, Lyme disease can affect the heart, nervous system or joints. However,

pets or for pleasure.

À compter du 18 mai chaque vendredi nos bureaux fermeront à 16 h pour la saison estivale. Starting May 18th every Friday, our office will close at 4 P.M. for the summer season.

it can generally be treated successfully if it’s caught early. If you develop any of the

The compensation is designed to assist

symptoms of Lyme disease or West Nile virus, talk to your healthcare provider.

producerswhose livestock, poultryor honey

Here are a few simple tips to help protect against tick and mosquito bites:

bees have been attacked by predators.

Use insect repellent containing DEET. Apply a thin layer to clothing and exposed

skin, being sure to keep it away from your eyes and mouth. Always read the product

A good start

label, especially if applying to children.

Wear long sleeves, long pants and socks. Light-coloured clothing is best.

Examine your body for ticks if you’re in an area where there may be ticks. Remove

La direction


any attached ticks with tweezers. If possible, take the tick to the Eastern Ontario Health

Unit to have it tested for Lyme disease.

The construction scene in Hawkesbury

For more information on how to protect yourself this summer, visit the Eastern

continues to be active.

Ontario Health Unit’s website at You can also call 613-933-1375 or 1

During the first three months of the year,

800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line.

the town issued 31 permits for work with a

Soup and Sandwich Luncheon

total estimated value of $3,631,000, chief

building official Jean-Claude Miner relates.

Soup and sandwich luncheon at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church on John Street,

Between January and April of 2011, the

Hawkesbury Friday, June 1 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

municipality had issued 35 permits for work


Trunk Sale

worth $1,401,000.

Markyour calendars. Saturday, June9GrenvilleElementarySchool, 184ruePrincipale,

Thisyear’s total 15permits for commercial

hosts a trunk sale, $5 car wash, bake sale and barbecue. To sell your items, rent a space

projects valued at $3 million and 15 permits


for $15. Reserve with Sherrill MacDonald (819-242-6123).

for residential jobs worth about $500,000.

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