

Valoris draws up $30 million building plan

over the next three to five years at a cost of

In addition to the Rockland project, the



expansion plans include improvements to

Valoris has decentralized its services

buildings in Hawkesbury, Plantagenet and

andmust acquiremore space to better serve

Casselman. Currently, the agency has a

The construction of a new office in

its clientele, related executive director

total of 55,353 feet square and needs a total

Rockland is the beginning of a huge $30

Raymond Lemay and board chairman

one of 167,071 square feet.

million construction program being

Michel Nault during a recent presentation

The new Rockland building on Caron

planned by Valoris For Children and

to Prescott-Russell united counties council.

Street will cost $7,393,000. About $1,100,000

Adults of Prescott-Russell .

An independent study in 2009 found

has already been paid by the agency’s

The building is the first step in a process

that Valoris requires about 100,000 square

foundation to acquire the land and pay for

that will see four centres built or renovated

feet more in office space.

building specs. Construction began in

December; the official opening will take

place in January 2013. Valoris has obtained

IPM profit of $225,000

financing from a bank in order to proceed

with the job.

Valoris is seeking provincial subsidies

formula. One suggestion is that the format

to cover between 60 and 80 per cent of the


concentrate more on education and that the

total bill.

duration be limited to one or two days.

A public fund-raising drive in the region

New markets

Last year’s International Plowing

would be impractical given the economic

At the same time, progress is beingmade

Match in Chute-à-Blondeau was a

situation, acknowledged Lemay. Plus,

by the local food co-operative to help area

financial success, netting $225,000.

Valoris would be competing with the

producers get their foot into the doors, and

The figure was presented by East

Hawkesbury and District General Hospital

their produce on the shelves, of food chain

Hawkesbury Township Mayor Robert

Foundation which is raising funds for the

outlets. A follow-up of discussions between

Kirby at a recent meeting of the Prescott-

expansion of that institution.

store representatives and local food

Russell agricultural advisory committee.

Formed as a result of a merger of five

promoters is to take place shortly.

The IPMandRural Expo, one of the largest

organizations in 2001, Valoris oversees 50

Meanwhile, expect to seemore promotional

events to be held in Prescott-Russell,


items at strategic spots in the region.

featured 600 kiosques and attracted

The agency has no waiting list, Lemay

Foire Gourmande

Photo Richard Mahoney



The annual Foire Gourmande returns to

Proceeds fromthe IPMare tobe invested

Raymond Lemay, executive director

In 2010-2011, more than 3,256

Lefaivre and Montebello August 26. One of

in the community.

of Valoris, explains the construction

individuals or families received help from

the changes this year is that in addition to

The united counties of Prescott-Russell

the agency’s 417 employees. Valoris


food, the activities will feature attractions

had donated $100,000 towards the

operates on a budget of $36 million.

unitedcounties council session.

such as alpacas.


dans la circonscription d’Argenteuil le 11 juin 2012 ÉLECTION PARTIELLE Du 21 au 29 mai 2012, c’est la révision de la liste électorale. Assurez-vous d’être inscrit sur la liste électorale, c’est votre responsabilité Un avis vous a été transmis, indiquant les noms des personnes qui figurent sur la liste électorale à votre adresse.

Robert Kirby

organization of the exhibition.

No Agri-Tour

At the same meeting, the committee

Adresses des bureaux de révision POUR LES SECTIONS DE VOTE* 85 à 115 Le centre récréatif de Saint-Adolphe , salle n o 9 110, rue du Collège Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard, J0T 2B0 POUR LES SECTIONS DE VOTE* 1 à 84 et 116 à 149 Bureau du directeur du scrutin Carrefour Argenteuil, local 402 505, avenue Bethany Lachute, J8H 4A6 * Le numéro de votre section de vote est incrit sur votre avis.

confirmed that Agri-Tour organizers plan

to take a hiatus this year. The annual tour

of eastern Ontario farms was usually held

over two weekends in the fall. Organizers

intend to take a break this year to rethink the

Si votre nom n’y figure pas ou s’il y a une erreur, présentez-vous au bureau de révision indiqué sur votre avis, du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 21h, et les samedi et dimanche, de 9h à 17h, entre le 21 et le 29 mai 2012. Identifiez-vous Pour toute demande d’inscription, vous devez présenter deux pièces d’identité. La première pièce doit indiquer votre nom et votre date de naissance et la seconde doit indiquer votre nom et votre adresse. Pour en savoir davantage: t À partir de votre code postal, vous y trouverez une mine de renseignements dont l’adresse de vos bureaux de révision et de vote, la liste des candidats et bien plus. t t 1 888 ÉLECTION (1 888 353-2846)

Dog pound fees rise


Dog owners in Hawkesbury will be

paying more this year if their pets end up

in the pound.

Tous les locaux où siègent les commissions de révision sont accessibles aux personnes handicapées. Les personnes sourdes ou malentendantes peuvent composer sans frais le 1 800 537-0644.

With Champlain Township increasing

its impound fee to $30 per animal per day,

Hawkesbury has upped its charge to $75

per dog, plus $35 for each day the dog is

kept at the pound. In the past, the flat rate

was $40, while the additional sum was


The good news is that the licence fee

remains unchanged. The cost is $25 before

March 15 and $35 after that date.

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