
Fields store in Embrun and others to close

No ofÀcial date has been set for store closings,butstaffinEmbrunandCasselman were told that they would be open until the stock was all gone. Head ofÀce stated that February 19 was likely the anticipated date set for stores to be empty, but could not conÀrm same before press time. Staff in all four storeswere instructed not to speak to the media, but it is estimated that each store has four or Àve employees working less than 34 hours per week. So approximately 20 part-time jobs will be lost in Prescott-Russell. Fields is a western chain, started in 1948 in Vancouver by Joseph Segal. The chain expanded throughout BC and in 1969 purchased three small Hudson’s Bay Companystoresandformedthedepartment storedivisionofFields.In1976theyacquired 50.1 per cent of Zellers, then in 1977 Zellers acquiredFieldsinareversetakeover.In1978 HBC acquired 57.1 per cent of Zellers and


The Fields stores in Embrun, Casselman, Alexandria and Hawkesbury are being closed early in 2012 as part of the strategic decision made by their parent company, the Hudson’s Bay Company. The Bay’s media representative, Tiffany Bourre, stated that the decision was made to close all the Fields outlets in Ontario, except one Mississauga store. Fields only entered the Ontario market within the last couple of years. Said Bourre, “It was a very competitive marketplace.” She would not conÀrm if a particular competing retailer, such as Giant Tiger, was the reason for the change. Staff were notified before the official announcement, which was made on December 7, 2011.

Photo Candice Vetter The Fields Stores in Embrun, Casselman, Alexandria and Hawkesbury are closing early in 2012 as part of the decision by parent company, the Hudson’s Bay Company, to close all but one Ontario Fields’ store.

Easy solution for Embrun Àre hall?

operation. Now 26 of those stores will be closed.Areastoresareallhavingliquidation sales,includingmerchandiseinstockaswell as store Àxtures.

in 1979 Segal left. HBC acquired complete control in 1981 and over the next decade Fields became a division of HBC. In 2010 over 150 Fields stores were in

also approved a grant to assist with either construction of a new village Àre hall or renovations to the existing structure. He suggests expansion of the present Àre hall may be feasible if Dignard Street is closed to general through trafÀc. The street would still be open for neighbourhood trafÀc, including Àre trucks going out to and returning fromcalls. ClosingDignard Street as a shortcut route for other trafÀc would improve local trafÀc safety. Administration has preliminary design drawings on how the proposal could work out. Council will receive a detailed report on the option to consider during its January sessions.


Council okays New Year’s grants

EMBRUN | Finding a solution to the problem of a new improved Àre hall for the village of Embrunmay be simpler than Russell Township council expected. Coun.CraigCullenhasanideaforcouncil to consider during its Àrst committee of the wholesessiononJan.9.Hepresentedanotice of motion during the last regular session of council in December. Cullen noted that the township administration several options for a new location for the Àre hall. The province has

EMBRUN |Russell Township council Ànished up its 2011 business agenda with some community grant approvals for 2012. L’Association des loisirs communautaire d’Embrun received approval for its two applications for community grants. Both relate to the annual Embrun Carnival, which takes place in the latter half of January. One grant request was for $5000 cash to assist witheventexpenses.Theotherwasforanin-kindgrantworth$4790.Thatonerepresents either reduced rates fees or free use of municipal facilities for the event. Organizers of the Poutmaster Fishing Tournament will receive $750 to help with expenses for their event. The annual spring recreational tournament helps raise money for cancer research.


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