FitnessPreneur Life June 2018

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brand, which is private coaching for $30,000 a year, so that led to an additional projected revenue of $120,000 year.

as they own a set of villas and a vineyard ( They create the environment for guests to be at their villas, then offer them the cooking class as an upsell, and it makes the experience a whole other memory, so great that I’m telling you about it. Look at this ... They make the first sale by getting the guest to rent the villa and the second sale by getting them to upgrade to the cooking class and the third sale by getting them to the vineyard!

That’s over six figures from only six people. I’m sharing this with you so that you can see what’s possible — not because my numbers are great. They pale in comparison to some of my mentors’ numbers, but I’m in the game, and we started evolving how we do business.

You can get a lot of money from a few people.

Two little old (smart) ladies in Italy with no formal marketing training figured out the power of ascension offers!

You can get a little money from a lot of people. (See the Pearl Jam Fan Club piece in this issue.)

How can you do this? Your mission as a growing entrepreneur and business owner is to always be thinking of the additional offers you can make and how to create the high-end offers you can monetize doing the thing you love doing most. Let me give you another example. When I first started learning about creating high-end immersion experience offers as a way to compliment my online business, it took place about six months ago when I created Vision in the Vineyards. The idea was birthed because I saw more and more of these intimate high-end experiences being offered, and I asked only two questions: “Why not us?” and “Why not now?” Anna and I dreamed this up in Cabo because we love helping people build their online brands, we love exposing people to good food, good wine, getting out to wine country, and going home with their brand map in place. Now, while some people love learning through online courses, some people want a deeper, more intimate experience. That’s why you just have to have an offer for them. Five to 10 percent of your market would take an exclusive experience if you offer it. Ex: If you are a weight loss expert, you could have clients spend a week or weekend with you and you create an immersion experience with cooking classes, workouts, learning to shop, teaching them journaling, working on their relationships, helping them with strategies when they are at work, etc. Ex: If you’re a high-performance coach or other life of or business- style coach, you can create a weekend immersion experience where you mastermind with your guests, treat them to dinner conversations, help them break through in areas of your expertise, create workshops for them, etc. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Decide what the ultimate experience of what you offer can be.

I teach my students to have both, but that’s a matter of preference.

Ex: You are the weight loss expert. You can charge $2500 per weekend in our example above. And after the weekend, you can offer $1000-per-month private coaching remotely with you for one year or until the client achieves their end result. Ex: You are a business coach. You can charge $5000 per head for a five-person mastermind at your house and then offer a continuing mastermind for a year or even private coaching for $2000 per month. You have to choose the life you want, the income you want, and how you earn it based on what you love doing and what kind of freedom you want in your life. But anything you are really good at can be turned into a high-end experience you can monetize that lets your creative juices flow, surrounds you with your favorite people – the ones who are really interested in the result you offer. Notice I said the result you offer, not just the product or service you sell. That’s why step 3 is ... This is the final piece. Get clear on what you offer people as an end result. People are after a transformation and/or experience in life. You just have to know what it is that you offer. At Vision in the Vineyards, I offer a road map for my guests’ personal brands where they walk away with their three signature offers of a low-tier course, their core offer, and a membership site mapped out so they know what goes in it, how to set it up, and how each of the three products flow from one to the next so they can plan for the next year — a linear line of progression of what to build first, second, and third so their brand fits together in the right flow. No more confusion. No guessing. The offers are in alignment with the guests’ passions and skills, what we like to call their superpowers. And then it’s right to work. Clarity. Plain and simple. The clearer you can get about what end result you offer, the more you can build this offer properly. The Mamma’s offered a “classic traditional Tuscan” cooking and living experience that would send us home with a menu that could delight our friends, impress our family, and become a tradition we pass to our children while feeling we are living like Tuscans of old. As an Italian-American who doesn’t want to 3. Get clarity about the result you offer.

2. Decide on your numbers.

We started offering Vision in the Vineyards in December of 2017, and we have sold six of them in seven months at $5000 each for an additional $30,000 in revenue for six weekends of our year. And four of those guests took our one-year fast track to building an online

Continued on page 11 >>>


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Vito Lafata •

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