Helps for the Children Hosea Tells of God's Love Hosea 4:6; 6:1-3, 6
Memory Verse: "I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings" (Hosea 6 : 6 ). Hosea, another one of God’s prophets or messengers to the Jewish people, was a loving and wise father who knew that God’s love for His people was greater than the love of a father for his children. He was eager for the people to know the joy of God’s love again; he wanted them to ask God’s forgiveness for their sins. Hosea knew that the Jews were disobedi ent to God in their homes, in the market place where they conducted their business, and in their government. For over sixty years Hosea preached repentance to God’s people. God used Hosea as His messenger longer than any other prophet. Boldly Hosea warned the people of God’s punishment in the future because they deliberately were disobeying His commandments and refusing to walk in His ways. The prophet reminds the Jews that God “ desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings.” Outwardly they were performing their religious duties, but their hearts were far from Him. Hosea pleaded with them: “ Come, and let us return unto the Lord” (Hosea 6:1). Many so-called religions and churches today are meeting in beautiful buildings and following much ritual in their serv ices. God is displeased with the outward show of religion from those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Although man looks at the out ward appearance, God looks at the heart. June 27, 1954 Judgment Comes to Israel As we have followed the story of the Northern Kingdom (Israel) from the days of Jeroboam to the present lesson, we have not found a single king who sought to follow the Lord. The people were not any better. As a result the patience of God had come to an end. Today’s lesson sees God’s judgment fall and Israel is taken away into captivity. Prophet after prophet had been sent by God to get the nation to turn from their sin and idolatry unto Him, but to no avail. They were bent on having their own way. But God has the last word as He always does. The Downfall of Israel, vv. 5, 6 God used the nation of Assyria as His rod to chastise Israel. Their armies over ran their kingdom and concentrated their efforts upon Samaria, the capital city. The siege occupied three years at the end of which time Israel was taken into cap tivity. Archaeological discoveries in the region of Nineveh have corroborated the Old Testament account by depicting upon the palace walls of the Assyrian king Sargon II a graphic account of this con quest. Careful study and comparison make it evident that it was Shalmanezer V who began the siege of Samaria (v. 5), but it was Sargon II who completed it and CONTINUED ► 2 Kings 17:5-14, 18 Pointers on the Lesson
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ON JEWS and JUDAISM BY REV. M. ZEIDMAN ( Copyrighted )
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Q— What is the meaning of "Bar Mitzwah?" A—Literally it means “ Son of Commandment.” Q— When does a Jewish boy become Bar Mitzwah?
A—When a Jewish boy completes his thirteenth year, and in some lands when he completes his twelfth year, he is officially declared Bar Mitzwah or Son of Commandment. Q— What are the duties and responsibilities of a Bar Mitzwah? A—When a Jewish boy becomes a Bar Mitzwah, he is officially declared a full- fledged Jew. He is called, up before the Torah to pronounce a blessing and recite the Haftorah, or portion of weekly reading from the prophets. He is at that time initiated into the full religious duties of a Jew. He is taught to put on phylacteries at morning prayers, and he enjoys the privilege of, being counted into a Mynian, or quorum of ten men who have the right to offer prayer in public in the synagogue or Beth haMidrash, the House of Learning. Q— What other duties does a Bar Mitzwah assume? A—The Son of Commandment or “man of duty” when he becomes of age (13) must henceforth be responsible for his own deeds or misdeeds. Until the boy becomes Bar Mitzwah, the father is responsible for any sin committed by the son, but now, in the synagogue after the Bar Mitzwah has pronounced his first blessing over the Law, the father offers the following prayer: “ Blessed be He Who has taken the responsibility of this child’s doings from me.” Q— What has Jesus Christ to offer for the Bar Mitzwah and his father? A—Jesus Christ has taken all our sins,—young and old,—male and female,— upon Himself. “ He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with His stripes we are healed.” He is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. Now is the time to evangelize the Hebrew People. It is just for such a time that you and I have been called by God to proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the only Saviour and Redeemer of the world. Let us go forth hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder,— all united in prayer for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Jewish people everywhere. Dear Brother Zeidman: Please send me free of charge your literature on Jews and Judaism, also, the report of the Missionary Journey to Israel. Name Address
REV. M. ZEIDMAN, Director
J. H. HUNTER, L.L.D., Chairman of the Boari
MAY 1954
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