

TRIBUNE-EXPRESS NOUVELLES@EAP.ON.CA A donation of a piece of land is always ap- preciated. Residents of the South Nation River wa- tershed are being asked to make an envi- ronmentally friendly gesture by donating a gift or easement of ecological land. As South Nation Conservation commu- nications director Angela Coleman notes: “What better permanent gift to friends and neighbours could there be? It’s the gift that keeps on giving beyond the lifetime of the donor, and in many situations, there are at- tractive environmental and economic ben- efits for such donations.” For more information, contact Pat Piitz, 1-877-984-2948, extension. 244, or Ppiitz@ SNC uses acquired lands to improve for- est cover, ensure healthy and safe water- ways, and provide public recreational areas. Donating land is an excellent way to ensure a healthy environment for generations to come. The conservation authority regularly receives land donations and works one-on- one with prospective donors to determine if the gift is the right fit for the donor and the agency. “We depend on a healthy natural environ- ment to provide a wide range of ecosystem services, such as improving water quality, recharging groundwater aquifers that sup- ply water to wells and creeks, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion, and maintain- ing biodiversity,” says Coleman. A member of the Ontario Trust Alliance, SNC is approved to accept donations of land through the Ecological Gifts Program. In recent years, about 1,500 acres have been received. In most cases, tax incentives can be provided; in the case of easements, title is maintained by the owners. “Lands we receive are managed for eco- logical social values, with removal of nui- sance fallen trees, culling of some live ones, and creating walking trails in some cases,” said SNC Lands and Fisheries Director Pat Piitz. “Managed by SNC, the lands are open to various uses with permission.” Gifts they don’t make anymore The Great Ramble The 5th edition of the Prescott-Russell Great Ramble will take place Sunday, June 9, beginning from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at l’École secondaire catholique de Plantagenet on County Road 17. Registration is available online 24 hours a day until June 7. Those who register by May 31 have the chance to win an overnight stay at the Gîte Ô Genet. All details are available at “A balanced approach to human develop- ment and preserving the natural environ- ment ensures that the natural spaces we as Canadians value are protected,” Piitz notes. Residents who don’t have land to give are invited to make a financial donation to be applied to expanding and rehabilitating SNC forests, Coleman adds. “Every little bit counts,” she observes. “That’s especially true in an era of govern- ment funding cuts.”



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