
With thanks to Fliss James, Evidence Lead in Education at East London Research School and Doctor Julian Grenier, Director of East London Research School for their work in developing this guidance, alongside the steering group of early years practitioners, consultants and academics who generously gave their time to shape and review this guide with feedback and suggestions: Liz Pemberton, Sarah Read, Sue Robb OBE, Jean Gross CBE, Professor Ted Melhuish OBE, Doctors Amelia Roberts, Lala Manners and Sally Smith, Alison Henderson, Wendy Ratcliff HMI, Eowyn Crisfield, Chengetai Sharif, Laura Henry-Allain MBE, Ashlee Teakle, Donna Gaywood, Konstantinos Skordas, Gill Holden, Clare Lishman and Allison Jones. We thank the parents who contributed to the writing of this guide. We acknowledge this publication builds on the work of 4Children and the Department for Education’s Strategic Partnership ‘What to expect, when?’ (2015).


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