Birth to three: how you can help me with my learning
Personal, Social & Emotional Development • I need loving, responsive, playful interactions with you. • Find out what makes me feel calm - rocking, cuddling or singing. • Offer me manageable choices between two things.
Communication & Language
• Use a sing-song voice, this helps me tune in to language. • Respond to my babble. • Talk about what you are doing “I’m pouring out your milk into the cup.” • Have back and forth ‘conversations’ – play ‘peekaboo’ and copy-cat games. • Talk to me in our home language.
. Physical Development • Put me on my tummy or back, on a soft mat or blanket so I can kick my legs and roll. • Let me sit on you, climb over you, and rock, bounce or sway with you. • Give me lots of opportunities to be active outdoors in all weathers!
Baby photo goes here. If you want circles then best to screenshot from the previous guide, but if you’re using new images just drag them in then go to Picture Format , then Crop , then Crop to Shape .
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