
Birth to three: how you can help me with my learning

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Communication & Language

• Let me help get snack or lunch ready and learn to pour my own drink. • Help me understand my feelings by using words to label my feelings like ‘sad’, ‘upset,’ ‘angry’ • Model turn taking – “Can I have a turn?” “My turn next.”

• Sing songs and rhymes during everyday activities like nappy changes. • Tell me the names of things as I pick them up to explore. I need to hear a variety of words. • Listen and wait for me to speak or communicate with a sound or a look first. Repeat and build on what I say by adding one or two words. • When you talk to me, give me time – 10 seconds helps me understand and think of a reply.

Physical Development

Baby photo goes here. If you want circles then best to screenshot from the previous guide, but if you’re using new images just drag them in then go to Picture Format , then Crop , then Crop to Shape .

• Give me lots of different things to grasp, hold, squeeze and explore, like finger paint, playdough, spoons, brushes, shells. • Let me try to put my shoes on. • Play ball games with me.


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