3 & 4-year-olds: how you can help me with my learning? Personal, Social & Emotional Development • Give me tasks to carry out, e.g. washing my plate after snack. • Model how you manage your own feelings, e.g.
Communication & Language • Have conversations with me about things that I am interested in. Encourage me to keep talking by nodding, smiling and making comments. • Introduce new words when we are playing, eating or when we are out and about. Explain what new words mean to me. • Talk to me about things that have already happened and what might happen soon. • Play listening games with me such as ‘Simon Says’.
“I’m feeling a bit angry so I am going to take a deep breath.” Help me to understand why I am feeling sad or frustrated. • Make a ‘calm down jar.’
. Physical Development • Help me with dressing but let me do the last steps, e.g. pulling up my zip after you have started it off. • Give me lots of opportunities to be active and practise running, jumping, balancing, climbing and swinging. • Encourage me to walk, scoot or bike to my nursery or childminder. 68
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