Danette May's Lotus Journal - January 2020

Your Path to Radical Self Love Your Path to Radical Self-Love

The Lotus Journal A gorgeous, exclusive monthly printed newsletter full of health and wellness stories, plus peeks at Danette's life behind the scenes. Monthly Fit Rise 365 Membership A full suite of resources to help you live your healthiest life, including a members-only portal with hundreds of recipes, workouts and meditations, access to the Fit Rise 365 Facebook group, and the option to participate in every challenge Danette releases while you're a member. Annual Fit Rise 365 Membership The same benefits as Monthly Fit Rise 365 members, PLUS exclusive product discounts and digital access to The Rise live event video library. You'll also save at least $151 per year over the monthly membership rate. Premium Coaching A small, intimate group with direct coaching from Danette and a handful of experts she loves and trusts to serve our tribe well. This opportunity opens up to new members only once per year and also offers access to certain exclusive in-person events.

To learn more, reach out to support@danettemay.com



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