Is organic worth the price? You’ve probably heard this question a thousand times and even asked it yourself while standing in the grocery aisle, debating whether to pay the extra dollar for organic kale. The short answer is, “Yes!” However, you don’t have to take our word for it. Science backs up organic as the safe choice for your health, the planet, and your pocketbook. Here are three reasons organic produce beats the conventional stuff. 1. Organic requirements restrict pesticides. Organic farmers can use natural pesticides, but they’re forbidden from using chemical-synthetic pesticides, which have been linked to hormone issues, fertility problems, nerve and brain-related illnesses, and certain cancers. 2. Organic food may have more nutrients. According to an analysis published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “Multiple studies show that organic [produce] varieties do provide significantly greater levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus than nonorganic varieties of the same foods.” 3. Organic foods are often produced sustainably. Organic farming is just better for our planet than conventional farming. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says that organic farming practices like crop rotation are better for the soil, organic fertilizers reduce the risk of water pollution, organic farming uses less nonrenewable energy, and organic practices encourage biodiversity! Both No. 1 and No. 2 reveal how buying organic food saves you money! Even if you pay a bit more up front, giving your body the whole, healthy, nutrient-rich, toxin-free foods it needs to thrive can save you cash on health care in the long run by warding off diseases.
That said, we understand not everyone can afford to buy everything organic. Maybe you’re feeding a big family, your spouse was recently laid off, or you just don’t have access to a great grocery store. That’s okay! Just switching some of your produce from conventional to organic will help boost your health. Visit to read up on the smartest swaps, and consider adding “make one organic swap per day” to your nonnegotiables for the weeks ahead. Changing just a single
ingredient during food prep could check off that box for the week!
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