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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Les habitants de Rockland ont récolté 13 500$ pour la recherche sur la mala- die d’Alzheimer lors du weekend du 14 mai. Les résidents de Rockland et d’Alexandria ont montré leur soutien à la recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer en se réunissant pour recueillir des fonds au cours du weekend. -FTNBSDIFTEF*(8FBMUI.BOBHFNFOUBV parc Alain-Potvin et au Tim Horton’s Dome d’Alexandria ont permis de recueillir 13 500$ pour la Société Alzheimer. -BSHFOU TFSWJSB Æ TPVUFOJS MFT QSP - HSBNNFTFUTFSWJDFTMPDBVYPGGFSUTQBSMB Société Alzheimer de Cornwall et du district, notamment le soutien aux aidants, l’éduca- UJPOFUMFQSPHSBNNFEFKPVSQPVSBEVMUFTÆ Forest Park et Hawkesbury.
Countless residents came to walk and show their support for Alzheimer’s research —supplied photo
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Stéphane Aubry is the Ontario Party’s candidate in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. The Ontario Party has confirmed that its DBOEJEBUFGPS(MFOHBSSZ1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMXJMM be Stéphane Aubry, who was unavailable for comment at press time. He is now one of six candidates confirmed GPSUIF(MFOHBSSZ1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMSJEJOHJO the June 2 provincial election. Stéphane Aubry a été nommé candidat du Parti de l’Ontario dans Glengarry- Prescott-Russell The Ontario Party’s platform revolves BSPVOEBCPMJTIJOHBMMSFNBJOJOH$07*% SFTUSJDUJPOT JOUSPEVDJOHMFHJTMBUJPOUPQSFWFOU UIF0OUBSJPHPWFSONFOUGSPNJNQPTJOHTJNJ - MBSSFTUSJDUJPOTJOUIFGVUVSFiCZFTUBCMJTIJOH DMFBSBOEPOFSPVTMZIJHIDSJUFSJBu BOE SFNPWFQVCMJDIFBMUISFTUSJDUJPOTTVSSPVOEJOH vaccination status. *UXPVMEBMTPQFOBMJ[FFNQMPZFSTSFRVJSJOH medical information or a medical proce- dure, such as vaccinations, as a condition of employment, and require all employees fired due to their vaccination status to be reinstated to their previous positions. If elected the party would help people sue for QFSNBOFOUJOKVSJFTDBVTFECZUIFWBDDJOF The Ontario Party will allow non-profits BOEDPSQPSBUJPOTUPCVJME PXO BOENBOBHF hospitals, and allow citizens to hold priva- UJ[FENFEJDBMJOTVSBODFBMPOHTJEFQSPWJODJBM insurance. *UXPVMEQSPUFDUQBSFOUTSJHIUUPCFUPME before any procedure, treatment, or medica- tion is administered to their child, and ensure no child could obtain a procedure, treatment, or medication without parental consent. It would also prevent use of non-reversible QSPDFEVSFTGPSZPVUIVOEFSFYQFSJFODJOH HFOEFSJEFOUJUZJTTVFT
One voice could make a difference Write to your local candidates to ask how they plan to act on policies that support every Ontarian,at any age. Speak up for 3 issues
Transform long-term care with national standards • Fight ageism through increased awareness • Help older adults living in poverty • Seniors Strategy
Implement universal public drug coverage • Develop a concrete aging in place plan • Support geriatric training for all new healthcare professionals • Geriatric Health Care Actively reduce CO 2 emissions • Protect our freshwater and drinking water • Cut waste and improve recycling initiatives • Environmental Stewardship
Let your candidates know what you expect from your vote in the Ontario 2022 election. Speak up today at vibrantvoices.ca/provincial
VibrantVoices is a community-based advocacy campaign by RTOERO,a member organization of Canada’s education retirees.
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