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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 COMITÉ DE VÉRIFICATION DE CONFORMITÉ Claudine Girault, Jacques Laliberté, Louise Pinet, Diane Thauvette et Theresa Wever ont été nommés sur le comité mixte de vérification de conformité pour les élections municipales. Le comité desservira les sept municipalités de Prescott et Russell au qui tiendront des élections municipales. Hawkesbury-Est ne tient aucune élection. Six candidatures ont été reçues au total et les cinq personnes qui ont été retenues ont de l’expérience sur des comités similaires. Les candidatures ont été analysées par les greffiers des municipalités lors d’une réunion à Rockland. Le montant versé à chaque membre du comité est de 400 $ et sera partag é entre les sept municipalités. DETOUR SCHEDULE Champlain Township is trying to get the Highway 34 and High Street rehabilita- tion project in Vankleek Hill completed before winter, with detour planning around the village core. Detour sched- ules will be posted on the municipal website and publicized through local media once confirmed. The detours will allow completion of sewer and water line work at the intersection of Highway 34 and High Street. Cornwall Gravel, the contractor, will have day and evening shifts at work to get the job done in time. – Gregg Chamberlain



Hawkesbury to have a great next four years. 8FKVTUIBWFUPNBLFTVSFDPVODJMJTFOHB - ging and inviting.” A business owner himself, Tsourounakis wants to open Hawkesbury to investors. “That’s how we will move forward – increasing our tax base, bringing in new people and new JOEVTUSJFTUPUIFUPXO uIFFYQMBJOFEi8F are geographically well situated for that.” Using the Ottawa River to Hawkesbury’s advantage is another big point Tsourouna- kis wishes to make. He believes that the town can and should be promoting it more. “I also want to work on

“In this campaign, I’m going to empha- size that every vote matters and that everyone should exercise their right to vote,” said Hawkesbury councilor candidate Antonios Tsourounakis. “It does make a difference.” If anyone knows the difference a vote can make, it’s Antonios Tsourounakis. During the last municipal election in Hawkesbury

four years ago, Tsourounakis lost to his opponent by one vote. He is ready to try again and will be making sure people get out to vote.

I also want to work on the Hawkesbury image, (...) there is a lot to be thankful for here

the Hawkesbury image, because the negativity that surrounds the town is old mentality and the new mentality is that

i8IBU*XBOUUPEPJTUVSO)BXLFTCVSZT potential into a reality,” said Tsourounakis. i8FIBWFCFFOIFBSJOHBCPVUUIJTQPUFOUJBM for as long as I have been here, 40 years, so I think that everything is lining up for there is a lot to be thankful for here,” added 5TPVSPVOBLJTi8FBSFEPJOHXFMMJOBMPUPG areas and we have to promote that winning formula so that people will be attracted to the area.” 07&3456%&/543&563/504$)00-

Antonios Tsourounakis se porte candidat comme conseiller à Hawkesbury, pour la deuxième fois. M. Tsourounakis veut promouvoir davantage le potentiel de Hawkesbury. Son but est de développer le côté industriel de la ville. Il veut aussi promouvoir la rivière de plus en plus, pour attirer les gens à Hawkesbury. —photo fournie

First week of September means back to school time for students at all the English schools in Ontario, including St. Jude Catholic Elementary School in Vankleek Hill. The Upper Canada District School Board has an enrolment, this term for its entire district, of 17,807 elementary students, 8,297 secondary school students, and 604 registrations with the TR Leger program. The Catholic School Board of Eastern Ontario reports about 2000 student enrolments among its six elementary and secondary schools in the Prescott-Russell region. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Lobster Festival du Homard September 30 septembre 2018 Come forthe feast, stay forthe fun! Venez pour le festin, restez pour le plaisir! All you can eat Lobster Homard à volonté 115 $ Supper only Souper seulement 175 $ Golf & supper Souper et golf RESERVE YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY NOW! RÉSERVEZ MAINTENANT POUR VOTRE PARTY DE NOËL! 1150 Golf road, Hawkesbury ON 613-632-6441•1-800-278-8510 ext. 206

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