
CE Evening Sessions

companion animal THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 _____________________________________________________ COMMONMEDICAL DISORDERS AFFECTING ANXIETY AND AGGRESSION IN DOGS Lore Haug, DVM, MS, DACVB, CABC 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 2 This lecture covers some of the common medical problems that can affect the presentation, or treatment of, anxiety and aggression in dogs. Case examples are interspersed to illustrate some of these conditions and their impact on the treatment program. PRODUCTS TO IMPROVE COMPLIANCEWITH BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION PROGRAMS Lore Haug, DVM, MS, DACVB, CABC 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 2 Treating behavior problems can be time-consuming and frustrating at times. There are a variety of products on the market that can help simplify the process or expand our options for treatment approaches. A variety of such products, and their uses, are discussed here, including different collars and harnesses, remote treat dispensers, location repellents, and others. BEHAVIOR TIPS THAT EVERY PRACTITIONER SHOULD KNOW Lore Haug, DVM, MS, DACVB, CABC 9:00 PM - 9:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 2 Learning enough on every subject is challenging in today's world with the massive amount of information available. This lecture covers some common topics related to behavior in dogs and cats that can aid in improving client education, patient welfare and even prevent behavior-related euthanasia at times. Topics include weaning mouthing/play biting, sleep, aging changes, social grouping in dogs, and others. FELINE OPHTHALMOLOGY Audrey Yu-Speight, DVM 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 1 Ocular diseases unique to cats will be discussed, including eyelid disease (agenesis, neoplasia, etc.), feline conjunctivitis, corneal diseases (symblepharon, sequestrum, eosinophilic keratitis), feline uveitis, glaucoma and diseases of the retina. OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS OF SYSTEMIC DISEASE Audrey Yu-Speight, DVM 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 1 Patients may present with an ocular complaint but the eye symptoms can be a sign of a systemic disease. Signs of systemic disease in the eye will be discussed, including specific common clinical presentations. We will cover hypertension, uveitis, ocular manifestations of systemic infection, neoplasia and other OMSD (Ocular AND LENS LUXATIONS Audrey Yu-Speight, DVM 9:00 PM - 9:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 1 Formation of the eye in the embryonic stage is complex and ocular dysgenesis occurs when the eye development is abnormal. These development problems can present as genetic or spontaneous ocular diseases. How eye malformations occur will be discussed along with what other eye symptoms to look for when an ocular dysgenesis is seen. We will discuss microphthalmia, pupillary membranes, anterior chamber dysgenesis, how the lens develops and grows, how progression of cataracts is predicted, coloboma, goniodysgenesis, the hyaloid artery and hyperplastic vitreous. THE VETERINARIAN'S ROLE IN RECOGNIZING AND REPORTING ANIMAL CRUELTY Kirk Miller, DVM 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I 214 A Veterinarians have a unique role to perform and an ethical duty to recognize and report animal abuse. Increasingly, the lay public is aware of the connection between animal abuse and interpersonal violence. This increasing awareness is elevating the seriousness of animal related crimes in the minds of the public and law enforcement, resulting in more laws related to mandatory reporting of animal abuse on the part of veterinarians. In fact, in 2016 the Federal Bureau of Investigation began tracking cases of animal abuse. The Manifestation of Systemic Disease). OCULAR DYSGENESIS, CATARACTS

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 _____________________________________________________ APPROACH TO THE ONCOLOGY CASE

legalities of animal cruelty, including neglect, abuse, hoarding, abandonment and fighting will be covered. Mandatory reporting laws, what/how to report abuse and the importance of reporting will also be discussed. This lecture will help veterinarians recognize, prevent, address and report animal abuse. LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: 1) The attendee will learn the basics of the law regarding various forms of animal abuse. 2) The attendee will be aware of his or her role in recognizing and reporting abuse. 3) The role of the expert medical witness will be reviewed and the attendee will understand the part they may play in this situation. ANIMAL HOARDING: ANOVERVIEW Kirk Miller, DVM 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I 214 A This lecture is designed to provide a broad overview of animal hoarding. Information about the types of hoarders will be presented as well as the dangers of hoarding, prevalence, and the psychological and legal aspects. Treatment and prevention will be covered as well as presenting actual cases seen by the Oregon Humane Society. Most practitioners will deal with animal hoarders or their victims at some point, so an understanding of this condition is helpful. LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: 1) Defining/recognizing animal hoarding. 2) Discussion of the causes and problems associated with animal hoarding. 3) Through case presentations the attendee will have a better understanding of the challenges of dealing with animal hoarders and their victims. RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS IN DOGS AND CATS Kirk Miller, DVM 9:00 PM - 9:50 PM I 214 A Respiratory infections are a common problemwithin animal shelters and are often seen by small animal practitioners post-adoption. This lecture will review specific pathogens, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of respiratory infections in dogs and cats. This talk should be of interest to anyone who treats dogs or cats - your next patient may be presenting with a respiratory infection. LEARNINGOBJECTIVES: 1) The attendee will know the pathogens involved in respiratory infections. 2) A discussion of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory infections. 3) This presentation will include specific recommendations for disease prevention. UPDATE ON DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF FELINE HYPERTHYROIDISM: WHEN IS NUTRITIONAL MANAGEMENT APPROPRIATE? Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, Vet MB, MA, MS 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 3 The lecture will review the approach to diagnosis of feline hyperthyroidismwith an emphasis on making a diagnosis in cats with concurrent illness. The lecture will then review treatment options with an emphasis on nutritional management. Topics will include the physiology of iodine metabolism in cats, the scientific basis for iodine restriction as a treatment for hyperthyroidism in cats, and the expected outcomes associated with this approach to management. AVOIDING COMMON TREATMENT ERRORS IN DIABETIC DOGS AND CATS Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, Vet MB, MA, MS 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 3 This talk will discuss the common mistakes made in the management of diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats and suggest strategies to avoid these mistakes. Topics will include choice of insulin, insulin administration, appropriate diabetic monitoring, and problem-solving the cause of difficult diabetic regulation. ATYPICAL ADDISON’S DISEASE: HOWDOES DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT DIFFER? Catharine Scott-Moncrieff, Vet MB, MA, MS 9:00 PM - 9:50 PM I HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 3 This lecture will review diagnosis and treatment of classic and atypical Addison's disease with an emphasis on the differences between the two presentations. Cases will be used to illustrate the wide range of possible case presentations for atypical Addison’s disease.

Bonnie Boudreaux, MS, DVM 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I 214 B

In this presentation, we will review a common approach to oncology case management. We will focus on the best ways to obtain a diagnosis and staging tests. CASE-BASED APPROACH TO ADVANCED DIAGNOSTIC TESTS INONCOLOGY In this presentation, we will review new diagnostic tests available for oncology patients. Through a case-based approach, we will review indications for the tests as well as test result interpretation. APPROACH TO LYMPHADENOPATHY IN THE DOG Bonnie Boudreaux, MS, DVM 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I 214 B In this presentationwe will review a standardized approach to generalized lymphadenopathy in the dog with emphasis on the diagnosis and staging of lymphoma. ORTHO VS. NEURO, MAKING THE MOST OF THE ORTHOPEDIC AND NEUROLOGICAL EXAMWHEN IT'S NOT CLEAR Jude Bordelon, DVM 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I 214 A Is it orthopedic disease or is it neurological? The difference is not always clear. Using case examples and videos, the goal of this presentation is to help you clear the air on these confounding cases because it isn't always easy. So sit back, enjoy, and maybe pick up a tip or two that you can put into practice immediately! MAMA MIA MYELOPATHIES: MYELOPATHIES OF THE SPINAL CORD ANDWHY KNOWING THE DIFFERENTIALS CAN HELP Jude Bordelon, DVM 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I 214 A Intervertebral disc disease is common enough, but other myelopathies of the spinal cord are important as well. This lecture will provide a review of some of the less common myelopathies affecting spinal cord function, and how keeping these in the back of our minds may be useful in diagnostic and treatment planning. Of course, a quick review of the neurological exam as it relates to spinal cord lesions will also be discussed. LUMBOSACRAL DISEASE AND CANINE HIP DYSPLASIA: WHICH IS IT, WHAT IF IT'S BOTH, AND WHERE DOWE START? Jude Bordelon, DVM 9:00 PM - 9:50 PM I 214 A Lumbosacral disease and canine hip dysplasia both occur in large breeds, working dogs, and often our older patients. So this lecture will provide the tools, tips, and tricks to aid in the differentiation of the two. To take things a step further, the discussion will also attempt to provide a plan for the less than ideal situation when both diseases coexist. PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE PATIENT WITH A MURMUR OF UNKNOWNORIGIN Chiara Hampton, DVM 7:00 PM - 7:50 PM I 214 C Small animal patients often present to our clinic with a murmur that has not been worked up with diagnostic tools but requires sedation or general anesthesia. The goal of this lecture is to provide veterinary professionals with an overview of the pathophysiology of cardiac murmurs, their most common presentation in relation to age and comorbidities, and possible anesthetic management of patients in which a cardiac workup is not a financially feasible option. ALFAXALONE IN SMALL ANIMALS: WHAT DOWE KNOW SO FAR? Chiara Hampton, DVM 8:00 PM - 8:50 PM I 214 C In 2014, a new formulation of the neurosteroid Alfaxalone was released in the U.S. veterinary market. The goal of this lecture is to review the scientific evidence produced by researchers and clinicians using this newly formulated anesthetic compound and to provide veterinary professionals with practical tips on how to integrate this drug into their daily practice. Bonnie Boudreaux, MS, DVM 9:00 PM - 9:50 PM I 214 B

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