
CE Daytime Sessions

SHOWME THEMONEY! Heather Romano, SPHR, SHRM-CP 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM I 212 AB Asmillennials have entered theworkforce, there has been a surprising shift in the compensation expectations of veterinary employees. Asmillennials prefer certain perks over salaries, veterinary practices are struggling to provide compensation packages that are enticing talent to stay in our practices. However, by understanding theirmotivations, and howthey have affected other generations in the workforce, we can create an atmosphere of excitement surrounding your practice’s benefits, whichwillmake your hospital the employer of choice in your area. Includedwill be a discussion of salary and benefit expectations and aspirations for veterinarian and a newway of looking at benefits. IT’S ALL INTHE FAMILY! Often, hospitals call their group ofworkers a “family,” as though this is a good thing. But let’s face it; families are full of strife, discord, and frustration. Many of uswould never want to actuallyworkwith our families, sowhywouldwe want to recreate that feeling atwork? In It’s All in the Family, wewill take a fun look atwhat a “family” feel can do to a practice’s culture, and howtaking a high-performance sports teammentality into your practice canmake usmore efficient andmore effective at providing stellar patient and client care. Attendeeswill come awaywith a checklist of teamdo’s and don’ts to implement in their practicewhen they return to change the familymentality into a strong teamfocus. Why is it some people getmore done than others, even though the achievers appear to be less frantic than those who strugglemore? It comes down to one thing: howthey manage their time. Everyone gets the same amount of time, it’s howwe organize our projects and tasks that allows us to getmore donewith less stress. InTheMyths andRealities of Time, wewill take a deep dive into themyths of commonly held concepts such asmultitasking, and assess howeach person feels their own time ismanaged. Wewill learn real, veterinary practice provenways of organizing your tasks to help you getmore done each day, while being more focused and relaxed. POWERFUL TEAMMEETINGS Heather Romano, SPHR, SHRM-CP 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM I 212 AB Staffmeetings are often perceived as one of two things: a hugewaste of time andmoney, or awell-intentioned activity that devolves into a complaint festival. Nomatter your perspective, teammeetings are a critical aspect to hospitalmanagement and leadership.While there aremany wrongways to lead staffmeetings, there are a lot ofways we canmake them interesting, effective, informative, and even fun! In Powerful StaffMeetings, wewill examine where staffmeetings usually gowrong, and howwe can make small adjustments to increase their effectiveness.We will also discussways to ensure that everyone has a voice, without allowing complaining. Professional Development/Wellness FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 _____________________________________________________ MINDFULNESSMEDITATION: THEGIFTOF PRESENCE TOYOURSELFANDOTHERS Michelle Gaspar, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice) 7:00 AM - 7:50 AM I River Terrace, Marriott Riverwalk Hotel Mindfulnessmeditation is a secular, contemplative practice that not only reduces stress, but also allows the individual to develop greater self-compassion and self-observation. Mindfulnessmeditation has been scientifically shown to improve neural connections involvedwith executive decision-makingwhile decreasing those areas of the brain that are linked to aggression and reactivity. In this presentation, wewill briefly reviewthe history of mindfulnessmeditation, consider some of the relevant literature and spend some time inmeditation. Those without anymeditation practice, aswell as thosewith regularmeditation practices, are invited to participate. Heather Romano, SPHR, SHRM-CP 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM I 212 AB THEMYTHS ANDREALITIESOF TIME Heather Romano, SPHR, SHRM-CP 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM I 212 AB

INSTAGRAMFORYOURVETERINARY PRACTICE Eric Garcia, CEO 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM I 213 AB Do not think of this session as “JUSTANOTHERSOCIAL MEDIANETWORK.” Instagramnumbers are continuing to grow leaps and bounds. Your clients are already using it and inmost cases your clients are talking about you (most practices do not even know it). In this dynamic discussion, youwill learn to leverage Instagramto engage clients and build trust.We’ll even reviewby using your already live Instagrampage. Learn to captivate your client’s attention with Instagram. STANDOUT INANEVER-SATURATED MARKETPLACE PART 1 Eric Garcia, CEO 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM I 213 AB Do you feel like you offer the same services asmost veterinary practices? Howare youmarketing the differences in care between you and your competitor? Do you tell pet owners you’re a "state-of-the-art veterinary clinic"? Fully stocked in-house pharmacy? An in-house lab too!?Guess what? So do your competitors! Do you knowwhat your brand is? Do youhave a strategy to create awareness or do you simply include your logo everywhere and consider this branding? During this session, wewill dive deep intoHOW you can develop or enhance your brand and create awareness via socialmedia channels, yourwebsite, and more. It’s time to standout in an ever-saturated marketplace. Spoiler alert: It’s easier than you think. STANDOUT INANEVER-SATURATED MARKETPLACE PART 2 Eric Garcia, CEO 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM I 213 AB Do you feel like you offer the same services asmost veterinary practices? Howare youmarketing the differences in care between you and your competitor? Do you tell pet owners you’re a "state-of-the-art veterinary clinic"? Fully stocked in-house pharmacy? An in-house lab too!?Guess what? So do your competitors! Do you knowwhat your brand is? Do youhave a strategy to create awareness or do you simply include your logo everywhere and consider this branding? During this session, wewill dive deep intoHOW you can develop or enhance your brand and create awareness via socialmedia channels, yourwebsite, and more. It’s time to standout in an ever-saturated marketplace. Spoiler alert: It’s easier than you think. USINGMOBILE TECHNOLOGY TO INCREASE COMPLIANCE&BUILDLOYALTY Eric Garcia, CEO 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM I 213 AB The average veterinarianwillmake aminimumof 5 recommendations to an owner in a 30-minute appointment. These recommendations do not often stickwith pet owners due to a lack of understanding and the feeling of being overwhelmed.What can you do to increase compliance aftermaking recommendations? Learn about newand excitingmobile digital tools tomake your recommendations stick and build client loyalty. Items to be discussed: AnApp for pet owners that comes fromyour practice, tablets, Pet HealthNetwork 3D, YouTube, mobile texting, andmore! MANAGINGYOUR PRACTICE'S FINANCIALHEALTHPART 1 Douglas Aspros, DVM 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM I 212 AB Nowthat you’vemade a diagnosis you need to understand your treatment options in order to get to the best outcome. Understand the targets andmanage your practice tomeet your profitability goals. MANAGINGYOUR PRACTICE'S FINANCIALHEALTHPART 2 Douglas Aspros, DVM 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM I 212 AB Think of your practice as a patient and your financial reports as laboratory results. Youneed to understandwhat the results are telling you tomake the right diagnosis. Keeping it simple, we're reviewwhat data you collect and howto analyze it for greater insight.

Leadership begins at the top. Personal styleswill vary, but your behaviorwill set the standards for your staffmore than the values on yourwebsite. Cultural expectationswill drive staffperformance and their service delivery—evenwhen no one iswatching. Just as importantly, it's critical to hire wisely and trainwell. Make the investment in your people —they're yourmost valuable asset! NEWTOOLS&TIPS TOMANAGE YOURONLINE REPUTATIONPART 1 Eric Garcia, CEO 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM I 213 AB It’s frightening but true—although it takes years to build your reputation (both online and offline), it takes only moments for a negative online reviewto destroy it. Help happy clients spread their accolades for your practice through online reviews. Engage negative reviewerswith honest, transparent and timely responses and earn back respect and goodwill. In this session, discover howto develop a reputationmanagement plan for your practice. It is time to navigate theworld of online reviews! NEWTOOLS&TIPS TOMANAGE YOURONLINE REPUTATIONPART 2 Eric Garcia, CEO 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM I 213 AB It’s frightening but true—although it takes years to build your reputation (both online and offline), it takes only moments for a negative online reviewto destroy it. Help happy clients spread their accolades for your practice through online reviews. Engage negative reviewerswith honest, transparent and timely responses and earn back respect and goodwill. In this session, discover howto develop a reputationmanagement plan for your practice. It is time to navigate theworld of online reviews! TOPMARKETINGMISTAKES&HOWYOUCANFIXTHEM Eric Garcia, CEO 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM I 213 AB You’ve downloaded a ton of resources, written quite a bit of notes, went to a fewconferences, and subscribed to plenty of newsletters onmarketing. And yet, you are probably making the samemistakes as somany others. You’re not alone, we’vemade all thesemistakes and probably still make some occasionally. In this session, I’ll reviewthe top marketingmistakes practicesmake and howyou can easily fix them. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 _____________________________________________________ As veterinary professionals, we typically hate one specific aspect of our jobs-managing underperforming staffand doctors. Unfortunately, by overlooking this critical aspect of staff leadership, we allowunderperforming, and often toxic employees, to destroy our culture and procedures, leading to outstanding employees quittingwhile the under performers linger. InDon’t Fear the Feedback, wewill discuss howour staff feels about feedback, howwe can providemore effective feedback at reviews, compassionate staff leadership strategies, and the bestways to discuss performance and attitude deficitswith different types of people. Finally, wewill discuss a feedback and accountability structure that allows your teammembers to hold themselves accountable to their own jobs, being fully aware of the rules and consequences, while creating less As veterinary professionals, we typically hate one specific aspect of our jobs-managing underperforming staffand doctors. Unfortunately, by overlooking this critical aspect of staff leadership, we allowunderperforming, and often toxic employees, to destroy our culture and procedures, leading to outstanding employees quittingwhile the under performers linger. InDon’t Fear the Feedback, wewill discuss howour staff feels about feedback, howwe can providemore effective feedback at reviews, compassionate staff leadership strategies, and the bestways to discuss performance and attitude deficitswith different types of people. Finally, wewill discuss a feedback and accountability structure that allows your teammembers to hold themselves accountable to their own jobs, being fully aware of the rules and consequences, while creating less confrontation for themanagerial staff. DON’T FEAR THE FEEDBACKPART 1 Heather Romano, SPHR, SHRM-CP 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM I 212 AB confrontation for themanagerial staff. DON'T FEAR THE FEEDBACKPART 2 Heather Romano, SPHR, SHRM-CP 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM I 212 AB


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