


owner compliance. The programwill highlight ProHeart 12 product basics and how incorporating it into your practice will put you in the driver’s seat in the battle against rising heartworm disease risks. Sponsor:

How do practices get valuated? How can you get prepared for a transition financially as a seller and/or borrower? Sponsor:

EDUCATION FROM THE LEADER IN VETERINARY PRACTICE TRANSITIONS. Simmons has specialized exclusively in veterinary practice sales, valuations and negotiations for over 42 years - it's all we do. Join us for an educational hour for buyers and sellers to discuss your success in the veterinary profession. David King, DVM, CVA, will answer all your FAQs about Buying, Selling and Practice Value in today's market. Buyer’s Pathway into Ownership Is my practice or could my practice be a corporate target purchase? What affects practice value? How does student debt affect the purchase of a practice? Who are today's buyers? I promised an Associate buy-in, now the corporates are calling. What do I do? Howwill buyers get funding for purchase? Sponsor: CARDIAC CARE FOR PETS: PULMONARY ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION DIAGNOSIS ANDMANAGEMENT Sara Bordelon, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Cardiology) This lecture will cover the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of pulmonary arterial hypertension in dogs. Sponsor: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | 007 A LEGALLYMINE:TAX STRATEGIES TOMAXIMIZE YOUR DEDUCTIONS Leland McKay In this course you will learn hot to position your practice to take advantage of today's tax laws and significantly lower your taxes. The small business men and women are the backbone to the U.S. economy and because of this you have been given many tax breaks you simple know nothing about. BANK OF AMERICA PRACTICE SOLUTIONS: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT VETERINARY PRACTICE TRANSITIONS: SELLER EXIT STRATEGIES & BUYER ROADMAP TOOWNERSHIP Alexandra Kohrs You are cordially invited to join your local “Veterinary Transition Team” to learn about planning your future transition. Whether you are a current practice owner looking to transition within the next few years or are an associate who would like to look at practice ownership options, this lecture is for you! Topics of Discussion: Current Market Trends: Corporate versus Private Owner Practices Where do I start planning for potential transition as a current owner or new business owner? What are my options of a sales exit strategy or acquiring strategies as an associate looking to be a practice owner (buy, startup, partnerships)? Sponsor: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | 206 AB FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 1

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM | 206 AB BANKOF AMERICA PRACTICE SOLUTIONS: AN EVENINGWITH THE EXPERTS: BUILDING YOUR STARTUP & TRANSITIONVETERINARY TEAM Alexandra Kohrs Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and build your veterinary teamwith industry experts, unparalleled access to a variety of professionals in one setting. Meet & Greet professionals that specialize in: Veterinary Startups (Contractor, Real Estate Space Finder, Financing Partner, Marketing Partner, Equipment Specialist), Expansions (Builder, Real Estate Partner), Transitions (Attorney, CPA, Transition Broker, Insurance Professional) . Sponsor: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 1 HILL'S: FEEDING THE GI MICROBIOME: ANEW MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR GI PROBLEMS Michael Robbins, DVM In this lecture we will discuss prebiotics: what they are, their benefits, how they differ from probiotics, and their production of favorable postbiotics, as well as what postbiotics are. Further discussion will be directed towards studies evaluating particular prebiotic blends and the positive effects they have on both canine and feline gastrointestinal microbiome and stool quality. Sponsor: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | 007 B ZOETIS: YOUR ESSENTIAL TOOLKIT FORNOISE AVERSIONANDMOTION SICKNESS TimMcTier, MS, PhD Over 67% of dogs suffer from noise aversion and 48% suffer frommotion sickness and yet very few of these dogs are diagnosed or treated. In this lecture we will discuss the impact that these two conditions have on the dog and their owner and provide tools to easily diagnose both. 1) Discuss the emotional and quality of life impact that noise aversion and motion sickness have on the dog and his/her owner. 2) Introduce tools to simplify the diagnosis of motion sickness and noise aversion 3) Review treatment options for both condition 4) Provide case examples of the diagnosis and treatment of noise aversion and motion sickness. Sponsor: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 2 ZOETIS: PROHEART 12: GUARANTEEDHEARTWORM COMPLIANCE FOR A FULL YEAR Lisa Radosta, DVM, DACVB Heartworm disease incidence is on the rise and lack of pet owner compliance when administering heartworm preventatives is a key factor. Now available - ProHeart 12 offers a simple solution to poor pet

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM HEMISFAIR BALLROOM 3 IDEXX: DIAGNOSTICUPDATE FOR PRACTITIONERS: CASE STUDIES Robert DuFort, DVM, DCVIM Utilizing patient case studies and employing a case-based diagnostic and therapeutic approach, this presentation will highlight some interesting and challenging small animal medicine cases. The importance of the minimum database for evaluating such cases will be addressed. In addition, some exciting new innovative diagnostic tests will be discussed. Participants will review laboratory data including hematology, biochemical profiles, urinalyses, and other tests such as imaging studies. Treatment and monitoring protocols will be reviewed for each case. Sponsor: ELLMAN: YOUCANDO IT! NEWTAKES ONGENERAL ANDNOT SOGENERAL SURGICAL PROCEDURES Jeff Mayo, DVM, DABVP Learn how the precision and versatility of RF Radiosurgery will benefit you, your practice and your patients. Dr. Mayo will discuss why Radiosurgery is a great alternative to other incisional modalities. Learn new procedural techniques, and how to build your practice using this cost-effective device. Sponsor: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | 007 C JOHNSON& JOHNSON: WOUNDCLOSURE ACADEMY: SCIENCEOF TISSUEMANAGEMENT Julie Coupland Learn about the basics of wound healing and Science of Tissue Management and how to select suture polymers and needles, based on tissue type, to minimize wound complications. Sponsor: MIDWEST VET: ADVOCACY ANDORGANIZED VETERINARYMEDICINE: UPDATEON THE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS THAT GOVERN TEXAS VETERINARIANS Elizabeth Choate, Ann Pierce, Daniel Turner, DVM Interactive Session regarding Online Pharmacies and How They Affect Your Daily Practice. Our Speakers will be Elizabeth Choate, JD, Director of Government Relations/General Counsel with TVMA, Dr. Dan Turner, Veterinarian/Owner of Wills Point Veterinary Clinic and Ann Pierce, MVSO Practice Solutions Specialist. Sponsor: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM | 007 D SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | 006 D

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