T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S A flower................................... l Pet. 1:24 Six is man's number. Li' J^—Harold Bingham. PRAYERS IN EPISTLES 1. Pilling. Romans 15:13. 2. Enlightening. Ephesians 1:17-20. 3. Heart knowledge of the power and love of the indwelling Christ. Ephe sians 3:17-20. 4. Abounding love and fruitfulness. Philippians 1:9-11. 5. Believer’s walk to be well pleasing unto the Lord. Colossians 1:9-11. 6. Believer’s desire and purpose to glorify Christ. 2 Thess. 1:11, 12. 7. Lord’s working to manifest Christ in the life. 2 Thess. 3:5. —H. E. B. A WONDERFUL MOTHER A Study of a Beautiful Character 1. A lovable woman...........1 Sam. 1:5 2. An afflicted woman.......1 Sam. 1:6 3. A persecuted woman......1 Sam. 1:7 4. A distressed woman....l Sam. 1:8-10 5. A praying woman........1 Sam. 1:10 6. A woman of deep piety............ , ................................1 Sam. 1:10-11 7. A woman of great resolution, making a vow contrary to all material instincts..........1 Sam. 1:11 8. A woman o.f great perseverance ...............,...................'..1 Sam. 1:12 9. A woman of great meekness.... ........... ................ ........... 1 Sam. 1:15 10. A woman of faith....l Sam. 1:18-19 11. A woman of faithfulness........ ...:.......J........................ 1 Sajn. 1:28 12. A woman of courageous testi mony.........................1 Sam. 1:27-28 13. A woman of deep spiritual in tuition and religious experi ence-............................1 Sam. 2:1-10 — Cameron Johnson. GRACE IN ROMANS Freely justified by Grace Rom. 3:24 Having access into Grace Rom. 5:2
Being reckoned under Grace
Rom. 6:14
Blessed by God
with Grace
Rom. 1:7
Receiving abundance of Grace
Rom. 6:17
Enabled to serve through Grace
-Rom. 12:3
Gifted according
to Grace
Rom. 12:6
In spite of all which
many are in Dis- Grace
Rom. 6:15 —Norman P. Barrington. HEART OF MAN (Prov. 20:5)
1 . An Evil Heart 2. A Deceived Heart (Isa. 44:20) 3. A Broken Heart (Ps. 34:18) 4. A Good Heart 6 . A True Heart (Heb. 10:22) 6. A Merry Heart
(Heb. 3:12; Jer. 17 :9)
(Luke 8:15; Rom. 10:9)
(Prov. 15:13-15; 17:22) 7. An Impenitent Heart Condemnation (Rom. 2:5) — John Meek. ABOUNDING 1. Abounding blessings for the faithful, Prov. 28:20 2. Abounding hope for the believer, Rom. 15:13 3. Abounding grace for the trustful, 2 Cor. 9:8 4. Abounding consolation for the af flicted, 2 Cor. 1:5 5. Abounding thanksgiving for the en lightened, Col. 1:7 6. Abounding love for the soul winner, Phjl. 1:9 7. Abounding fruit for the worker, Phil 4:17; 1 Cor. 15:58 —K. L. B.
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