Social Studies Grade 3

21.9 4. Keep students in their Think-Pair-Share groups. Have student pairs fill in the graphic organizer Migration Word Web with their new vocabulary term. Alternatively, students could demonstrate through physical movement which actions that would be pull factors, or they could illustrate an example of pull factor. 5. Ask the groups to explain how the term connects to what they are learning about migration. 6. Ask students to Think-Pair-Share-Square. Ask two think-pair-share groups to come together to form a group of four. Ask the new groups to explain how the term ”pull factor” connects to what they learned about migration. 7. You can have each group share with the whole class or have students individually write a one-sentence summary explaining how the new vocabulary term helps them to understand migration.

Article Assessment Questions: 1. What makes people move to an area? a. no jobs b. pull factors c. persecution d. push factors 2. What is a personal reason people move?

a. to find better jobs b. to avoid hurricanes

c. to be closer to family members d. to speak their opinions freely

3. What is not a pull factor? a. natural disasters b. job opportunities c. religious freedom d. clean air and water

Materials Needed: Graphic organizer Migration Word Web

Online Related Media: N/A Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Migration | Week 21

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