Social Studies Grade K


Learning Objectives: ● Students will be able to explain what history is. ● Students will be able to understand what a primary source is. “I Can” Statements: ● I can explain what history is. ● I can understand what a primary source is. Student Edition Vocabulary and Phrases: historian: person who studies history history: what happened in the past primary source: a source created by people who witnessed an event Language for Social Studies Learning: N/A Critical Thinking Question: Why is it important to take pictures and write about our lives? Let’s Draw or Write: Draw a picture or write about an event that has happened in your history. Share with a partner. Wellness Questions: ● What has changed about you in the last year? (Answers will vary and should demonstrate an understanding that they have grown and developed new skills over the last year.) ● What is something that shows evidence of your history? (photograph, video, letter, note, report card, doctor visit record, growth chart, etc.) Weekly Assessment Questions: 1. Fill in the blank: Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Historians study the past . Distractor: future 2. Fill in the blank: Choose the word that best completes the sentence. A letter is a primary source. Distractor: game

History | Week 23

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