Social Studies Grade 4


Materials Needed: Graphic organizer Blank Note-Taking Flipbook

Online Related Media (Explore More): Video: “Globes vs. Flat Maps” Video: “Cartography Intro”

Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 3: Types of Maps Word Count: 219 Vocabulary: climate map : shows whether a place is usually warm or cold and wet or dry cultural maps : maps that identify community cultures and resources historical maps : maps that were drawn or printed in the past and are used to show geographical ideas of the times and places in which they were produced physical map : a map that shows the natural features of an area political map : a map that shows the borders of regions, countries, states, and cities population map : a map used to show the overall distribution of the population within a particular area or region High Impact Teaching Strategy: Collaborative Learning Lesson Plan: 1. Introduce the concept of map types by watching the video “Types of Maps.” 2. Ask students to listen for different types of maps and why different types of maps are useful. 6. As a class, read and review each type of map, and discuss how each is used. 7. Explain to students that they can use map skills to learn about specific places. To do this effectively, they should look at a map three times (go through the following steps with students): a. First Look at a Map: Look at the title and the shapes on the map. Does the Geographic Skills | Week 6 3. Ask students to discuss what they learned with a partner. 4. Have students look at the images accompanying the text. 5. Ask how many types of maps are shown. (six)

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