Social Studies Grade 4


information technology: the study and development of computer systems to store, retrieve, and send information interdependence: mutually relying on each other to get things do manufacturing: the business of using raw materials to make products or goods to sell research and development: the process companies use to gain new knowledge to make or improve goods and services tourism: the business of encouraging people to travel for fun Language for Social Studies Learning: N/A Critical Thinking Questions: ● How do the geography and natural resources of the United States influence and impact the country’s economy? ● What economic sector has the greatest impact on the nation’s economy? ● How does the economy of your state impact the national economy? Let’s Draw or Write: Conduct research to determine the major economic activities of your community. You may also interview your family members who work in the community for information. Choose another community in your state to research. What are the major economic activities of that community? Compare and contrast the economy of your community and the community you chose to research. How are they similar? How are they different? Create a Venn diagram or T-chart to display your research. Wellness Questions: ● What are some basic needs people have? (food, water, shelter, connection) ● What are some popular economic activities in your area? (Answers will vary.) ● Use your creativity to create a plan for a new invention. Think about a problem to be solved and possible solutions. Weekly Assessment Questions: 1. What is a capital resource? a. coal b. crops c. tools d. water 2. Matching: Match each activity with the correct definition.

agriculture: growing crops and raising livestock manufacturing: using raw materials to make goods tourism: encouraging people to travel for fun life sciences: researching new medicines and medical technology information technology: developing computer systems

3. What helps factories make products quickly? a. 12-hour shifts b. an assembly line c. interdependence d. the diesel locomotive 4. What activity directly benefits the tourism industry? a. planting new trees

b. building a larger road c. opening a new factory

Economic Activities | Week 16

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