Social Studies Grade 4


4. Have students complete the graphic organizer Rights of Citizens individually or with a partner. For each category, have students write one example that is not listed in the article and draw a picture to support their example. 5. Review as a class when the assignment has been completed. 6. When students are done with their own examples, have them share with a small group or with the whole class. Article Assessment Questions: 1. What rights ensure that everyone's rights are protected? a. civil b. economic

c. natural d. political 2. What kind of right is the right to vote? a. civil b. economic

c. natural d. political 3. What rights allow a person to join a labor union? a. civil b. economic

c. natural d. political

Materials Needed: Anchor chart paper

Graphic organizer Types of Rights Graphic organizer Rights of Citizens

Online Related Media: N/A Extended Reading Articles: N/A

Article 3: Legislation that Protects the Rights of Citizens

Citizens | Week 23

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