Social Studies Grade 4


c. 15th Amendment d. 19th Amendment 3. What was part of the Voting Rights Act?

a. outlawed enslavement and involuntary servitude b. granted citizenship to all people born in the United States c. outlawed voting practices that discriminated based on race d. granted voting rights to all citizens no matter what race or sex

Materials Needed: N/A Online Related Media (Explore More): Video: “Constitutional Amendments and Equal Voting Rights Intro” Extended Reading Article: N/A

Article 4: Americans with Disabilities Act Word Count: 216 Vocabulary : N/A High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Questioning, Metacognitive Strategies Lesson Plan: 1. Read the article. 2. Have students look for examples of how this act is implemented in your school and community. Create a list of examples as a class. 3. Working with a partner, have students determine the rights that each section of this act protects. 4. Review student responses as a class. Article Assessment Questions: 1. When was the Americans with Disabilities Act passed?

a. 1964 b. 1982 c. 1990 d. 2007 2. How many titles are included in the act? a. two b. three

c. four d. five 3. What is the purpose of Title IV? a. It requires telecommunications companies to provide equal services to people with disabilities. b. It protects against discrimination in the workplace and ensures that people with disabilities receive appropriate accommodations in their workplace. c. It ensures access to services, facilities, and transportation provided by local and state governments. Citizens | Week 23

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