Social Studies Grade 4


will vary, but help students formulate positive self-talk that supports managing change positively; i.e., “I can do hard things,” “I can figure this out,” and “I can focus on the positive.”) ● How has innovation in energy impacted your life personally? (Answers will vary.) ● Use your creativity to innovate some solutions to a problem in your community. Weekly Assessment Questions: This week’s assessment will be the final product of the students’ energy research. It can be used for the assessment even if students are not presenting to the class. A rubric is included, or you may use your own.

Rubric for Source of Energy Research

2 Progressing: Partially Meets Expectations Includes essential information about the topic with minimal details AND/OR some factual errors. Some questions or major parts of questions are left unanswered. inadequate time spent. Generally lacks neatness. Some use of color, graphics, Product implies

1 Beginning: Does not Meet Expectations Content is minimal, OR there are several factual errors. No question is answered fully.

4 Advanced: Exceeds Expectations Covers topic in-depth, using details and examples. Content knowledge is excellent. Questions are answered fully with no omissions.

3 Competent: Meets Expectations Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Uses some details and examples. Content knowledge is good. All guiding questions are answered adequately. Product implies an appropriate amount of time spent. Generally careful, neat work. Makes good use of color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance





Product implies a great

Product implies minimal

amount of time spent. Very careful, precise, and neat work. excellent use of color, graphics, effects, etc.

amount of time spent. No effort made at neatness. Minimal use of color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance

Appearance Makes

effects, etc.,OR

Change Over Time | Week 27

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