Social Studies Grade 4


Article 1: Changing the World Word Count: 339 Vocabulary: N/A High Impact Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Learning, Metacognitive Strategies, Setting Goals Lesson Plan: 1. Begin today’s lesson by presenting the weekly essential question, learning intentions, and success criteria. Clarify any questions that students have about the content and learning objectives of the week. 2. Read the title of the article (“Changing the World”) aloud to students and write the title on the board or a piece of anchor chart paper. 3. Give each student a sticky note. 4. On their sticky note, have students list five inventions that they feel have had the most profound impact on the world. 5. Have students place their sticky notes on the board or anchor chart paper. Create a comprehensive list of student responses from their sticky notes. 6. Explain to students that thousands of inventions have changed the way people live, work, shop, earn money, etc., throughout history. This week, they will study the changes in energy production and consumption. 7. Have students read the article with a partner or in a small group. 8. While reading, students should summarize and identify a change discussed in each paragraph. Students may do this in their interactive notebooks. 9. As a class, think of ways that energy production and consumption has changed over time. On a piece of anchor chart paper, create a rough timeline of different types of energy people have used, starting with fire. The timeline does not need to include dates. It should only include types of energy from the earliest to the latest ones used. As students read the articles in this week’s publication, you can revise the timeline as a class. Article Assessment Questions: 1. Which is not something people used to make tools long ago? a. bones b. stones c. oil d. shells 2. How did discoveries by explorers affect what was available in markets? a. More goods were available. b. Fewer goods were available. c. The same goods were available. d. No goods were available. 3. What did people rely on for energy thousands of years ago?

a. trade networks b. the environment

c. permanent settlements d. scientific advancement

Materials Needed:

Change Over Time | Week 27

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