Social Studies Grade 1


a. Review that maps and globes show us land and water. They show us where places on Earth are located. 2. Have the students locate the title of the article. Read the title together. Point out the images associated with the article. Have the students use the pictures to determine what they will be learning about. 3. Read the article as a class. Discuss the article. Use the images to aid in student understanding of the text. Read the labels on the images. Ask: a. What two things cover the Earth? (oceans and continents) 4. Have the students use the pictures and the text to help them to understand the meanings of the words “oceans” and “continents.” 5. Reread the article. Have the students find and circle the two bolded words. Have a discussion about why the words are bolded in the text. Write the words “oceans” and “continents” on the board and discuss the definitions of the words. 6. Show a globe or point to the image of the globe in the student edition. Explain that the continents are the land, and the oceans are the large bodies of water on the globe. a. Help the students make the connection between landforms and continents and bodies of water and oceans. 7. Point out the oceans on the globe. Explain that oceans cover most of the Earth. There are five oceans. Point to the oceans as you say their names. Have the students repeat the name of each ocean after you. 8. Point to the continents on the globe. Explain that the continents are large areas of land. There are seven continents. Point to the continents as you say their names. Have the students repeat the name of each continent after you. a. Africa b. Antarctica c. Asia d. Australia e. Europe Point out your state on the globe. Discuss which continent you live on. (North America) 9. Show the map of the world or point to the map in the student edition. Discuss the oceans and continents on the map. Repeat the names of the oceans and continents and have the students say them with you as you point them out. 10.Use the graphic organizer Oceans and Continents. a. Have the students color the continents green or brown and the oceans blue. b. Together, identify and name the continents and the oceans. Have the students say the name of each ocean and continent as they point to them. c. When complete, have the students glue their graphic organizer into their interactive notebooks. a. Pacific Ocean b. Atlantic Ocean c. Indian Ocean d. Arctic Ocean e. Southern Ocean f. North America g. South America i.

Physical Characteristics of a Place | Week 16

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