South Toledo: Back Conditions Not To Ignore

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“Don’t Wait Until Back Pain Impairs You Before Seeking Physical Therapy!” 5 BACK CONDITIONS YOU SHOULDN’T IGNORE

Backpain issomethingthatshouldnotbe ignored. Whether it is a result of a sports injury, a car accident, or another medical concern, back pain has the propensity to become worse over time- -especially when it is not addressed early on. Unfortunately, the majority of people who deal with back pain typically do not seek out medical attention right away, which can lead to more adverse issues later on down the line. In many situations, ignoring back pain or attempting to put up with the symptoms for a longperiodoftimebeforeseekingtreatmentonly puts the individual in a worse-off position. Too often,aconcern thatcouldhavebeenaddressed through physical therapy and targeted exercise becomes something more serious, requiring drastic interventions, such as surgery. If you don’t know the cause of your back pain, don’t waste any more time trying to tough it out. Some causes of back pain are not going to go away. Here are five causes of back pain that you really can’t ignore: 1.Fracture: Painfromabonefracture isnotgoing togoawaywithout treatment.Thesemostoften

develop as a result of trauma, such as a sports injury or a car accident. If you experience back pain following a trauma, it is imperative that you seek medical attention immediately. 2. Sprainorstrain: Much likea fracture,asprain or strain could develop following a traumatic accident. However, you may be surprised how easily you can experience this sort of injury during normal, every-day activities. A slip-and- fall on a rainy day or attempting to twist your body to reach something from the backseat of yourcarcould result inamusclestrainorsprain. 3. Sciatica: Sciatica pain develops in the area surrounding the sciatic nerve, which is in the lowerback.This typeofpain isone that typically does not go away on its own. The only way to lesson and eliminate sciatica pain is to relieve compression on the sciatic nerve and Physical therapy can accomplish this through the use of exercise, manual techniques and specific modalities. 4. Spinal stenosis: This is another chronic condition that requires physical therapy to improve. Spinal stenosis develops when the

spinal canal begins to narrow, putting pressure on and causing compression of the spinal nerves.Physical therapy techniques like targeted muscle movements and manual stretching and massage can help alleviate this type of pain. 5. Lumbar radiculopathy: This is a chronic condition in which a nerve is compressed at the base of the spine, resulting in pain, numbness, and tingling. Physical therapy is used to help reduce the pressure that is put on the nerves. Letting back pain become chronic is something that should be avoided at all costs. In general, ignoring any source of pain that you don’t fully understand can be dangerous, and can lead to furtherhealthcomplications. Inmanysituations, back pain can be relieved and further pain can be prevented with proper medical interventions, like physical therapy. Talking with your doctor about your back pain is the best thing that you cando toensure thatyouaren’tdealingwithany unnecessary pain. Have your doctor refer you to the experts at South Toledo Physical Therapy so we can help you overcome your back pain and get you back to living pain-free once again!

Patient Success Spotlight

“I was contemplating back surgery but wanted to exhaust all options before doingso. Icame toSouthToledoPhysicalTherapyandtheyhelpedmeeliminate allofmypain, including the radiatingpainsymptoms intomy leg. Iamno longer considering surgery and have even gotten back to playing softball. I want to thank the South Toledo staff for helping me feel like myself again!” - John R. I am no longer considering surgery!

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