

Tournoi Bantam AAA : sept équipes en action à l’aréna CIH ment, Amélie Lecompte, ainsi que de deux joueurs, soit Nicolas Chartrand des Wild de l’est de l’Ontario, l’équipe locale, et Zachary Fortin des Kings deThunder Bay. Ces deux équipes se sont d’ailleurs affron- tées après la cérémonie, permettant au Wild de remporter leur première victoire du tournoi par la marque de 6 à 4.


Le Championnat provincial de l’Ontario Bantam AAA, qui a lieu à l’aréna CIH, a été lancé en grande pompe le 28 mars dernier. Animée par Véronique Soucy d’Unique FM, la cérémonie d’ouverture a réuni plusieurs personnalités impliquées dans le hockey, dont le conseiller Jean- Marc Lalonde. Lors de la cérémonie, M. Lalonde a procédé à la mise au jeu officielle en compagnie de l’organisatrice de l’événe-

En plus des Wild et des Kings, cinq autres équipes font partie du tournoi, dont les Sénators d’Ottawa, les Rebels de Mississauga, les Wildcats de Whitby, les Trappers de North Bay et les Jr Knigts de London. Au total, 25matchs seront joués. L’équipe qui remportera la première place du tournoi provincial deviendra la meilleure équipe BantamAAA de l’Onta- rio. L’événement, qui prendra fin le 2 avril prochain, avec le match de la médaille d’or, apportera de l’action dans la ville de Rockland, puisque près de 1000 personnes sont attendues.

Station 4 Saisons saison des sucres 1422, chemin Lavigne Hammond, Ontario

Le conseiller Jean-Marc Lalonde, l’organisatrice de l’événement, Amélie Lecompte, ainsi que Zachary Fortin des Kings de Thunder Bay et Nicolas Chartrand des Wild de l’est de l’Ontario ont procédé à lamise au jeu officielle, lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture du Tournoi Bantam AAA, à l’aréna CIH. —photo Véronique Charron

Buffet traditionnel cabane à sucre à volonté avec tire sur neige fait maison pour vous régaler et vous sucrer le bec ! 19 MARS AU 10 AVRIL 2016

Rockland United keeps on growing

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he stated. “Last year, for the first time, we field four mixed adult house-league teams for those who like to play but don’t want the travel involved in the OCSL.The adult house league is a great way for newcomers, as well as those who have lived here for years, to meet other like-minded citizens interested in keeping fit.” The success of the adult house league last year has prompted the RUSC to try forming both women’s andmen’s adult house leagues this season. The primary goal of the RUSC remains providing recreational and competitive soc- cer opportunities for local youth, frombasic skills instruction for fun at the mighty mites level for preschoolers to the youth programs. Rudeen noted that the RUSC’s proven success in fostering youth soccer shows in that many of youth players in the competitive program are recruited to play for neighbouring clubs for their teams geared towards regional and provincial league play. Some RUSC alumni even get a chance at travel for exhibition matches with European youth club teams.

Rudeen estimated that the club’s annual Soccer and Fitness Festival during the mid- August weekend fills local soccer fields at the CIHA campus with more than 1000 players and their families. During homematches last year in both the youth and adult competitive programs, he estimated the number of soccer fans who come to play in or watch the games numbered more than 1600, and included spectators driving in fromAlmonte and Car- leton Place. The RUSC continues to work with soccer clubs in Casselman, Hawkesbury and Plantagenet to organize summer games among the several Prescott- Russell communities. He added that the winter futsal indoor soccer program is grow- ing in popularity thanks to the support of the Ottawa Fury club whose players have helped provide coaching advice during local clinics. Early-registration for the 2016 season fin- ished at the end of March. Information both for pre-season registration and also to sign up for coaching positions is available at www. rusc-csur.comor email or phone 613-446-2787. . Gilles-André Brault Accountant 613-446-5052 TAX PREP A CCOUNTANT


- Licencié - Animation musicale - Activités pour toute la famille

Soccer is becoming the fastest growing sum- mer sport in Canada and in Rockland the local club’s popularity has gone well past its home boundaries. The Rockland United Soccer Club (RUSC) now has between 800 to 900 activemembers and club president Duane Rudeen observed that many in the club’s youth pool of players are driving in fromHawkesbury, Curran, St- Albert and even the City of Ottawa to join up and play. The same situation is developing with the club’s adult soccer program, part of the reason being the lower membership fees offered compared to other clubs, includ- ing those in Ottawa. The focus for the adult program began as competitive play but has since also expanded to recreational soccer enthusiasts. “Up until last year, our adult program consisted of teams already entered into the Ottawa-Carleton Soccer League (OCSL),”



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