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Les gens de Prescott-Russell ont leur mot à dire sur le type de service de transport en commun régional qu’ils veulent. Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell $613 FUVOHSPVQFEFDPOTVMUBOUT "YJPO  POUNJTTVSQJFEVOTPOEBHFFOMJHOF  EJTQPOJCMFFOGSBOÉBJTFUFOBOHMBJT Æ XXXTVSWFZNPOLFZDPNS135SBOTQP&/  afin de recueillir l’opinion des résidents EFMBSÊHJPOTVSMFVSTCFTPJOTFONBUJÍSF EFUSBOTQPSUFODPNNVOSÊHJPOBM-BDDÍT BVTPOEBHFFTUEJTQPOJCMFKVTRVBV mai et toutes les données recueillies faci- literont la planification et l’établissement des itinéraires. 1MVTUÔUDFUUFBOOÊF MFHPVWFSOFNFOU provincial a confirmé un financement de soutien de 1,5 million de dollars pour les quatre prochaines années, afin de couvrir les coûts de développement et EFGPODUJPOOFNFOUEVOQSPHSBNNFEF transport en commun intermunicipal pour Prescott-Russell. Une partie du plan DPOTJTUFÆSFMJFS135SBOTQPÆUPVTMFT services de transport en commun locaux. Cinq séances d’information publique sont prévues pour expliquer comment un réseau de transport en commun intermunicipal pourrait fonctionner dans Prescott-Russell et obtenir les commen- UBJSFTEFTSÊTJEFOUTTVSMFQSPKFU-FT SÊVOJPOTBVSPOUUPVUFTMJFVÆ h   dans des salles communautaires locales.

man and a woman. A 28-year-old man from UIF$JUZPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOEXBTDIBSHFE with two counts of spousal assault, two counts of assault with a weapon, domestic mischief and overcome resistance by at- UFNQUJOHUPDIPLF TVGGPDBUFPSTUSBOHMF another person. He is scheduled to appear JOUIF0OUBSJP$PVSUPG+VTUJDFJO-0SJHOBM PO"QSJM 0O.BSDI BUBCPVUQN PGàDFST responded to suspicious person incident on Principale Street in Casselman. The JOWFTUJHBUJPOSFWFBMFEUIBUPOFPGUIFUXP men was wanted by a previous warrant. Both of them had in their possession a quantity of crystal meth and speed pills. "TBSFTVMUPGUIFJOWFTUJHBUJPO ZFBSPME Casselman native Matthew Guertin, was DIBSHFEXJUIUXPDPVOUTPGQPTTFTTJPOPGB controlled substance (Methamphetamine). He is scheduled to appear in the Ontario $PVSUPG+VTUJDFJO-0SJHOBMPO.BZ +FGGSFZ.BDMFBO BZFBSPMENBOGSPN 0UUBXB XBTDIBSHFEXJUIUXPDPVOUTPG possession of a schedule I substance .FUIBNQIFUBNJOF GBJMJOHUPDPNQMZXJUI QSPCBUJPOPSEFS BOEUISFFGBJMJOHUPDPNQMZ XJUISFDPHOJ[BODF He was scheduled to appear in the On- UBSJP$PVSUPG+VTUJDFJO-0SJHOBMPO"QSJM

Officers of the Russell detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to 364 calls from March 25 to March 31. On March 25, at about 6:15 p.m., they re- sponded to a disturbance on Des Pins Street JOUIF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ5IFJSJOWFTUJHBUJPO revealed that an altercation between two NFOIBEUBLFOQMBDF5IFZDIBSHFEB ZFBSPMENBOPGUIF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZXJUI BTTBVMU DBVTJOHBEJTUVSCBODF BOECFJOH intoxicated in public place. He is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in -0SJHOBMPO"QSJM 0O.BSDI   BU BQQSPYJNBUFMZ  a.m., officers responded to another dispute CFUXFFOUXPNFO UIFTFCFJOHOFJHICPVST  on Albert Street in Rockland. As a result of UIFJSJOWFTUJHBUJPO UIFZDIBSHFEBZFBS old man from Rockland with assault. He is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of +VTUJDFJO-0SJHOBMPO"QSJM 5IFWFSZOFYUEBZ BUBCPVUQN  officers responded to a domestic dispute on Labonte Street in the City of Clarence- 3PDLMBOE5IFJSJOWFTUJHBUJPOSFWFBMFEUIBU an altercation had taken place between a

Public consultation has begun for developing a regional public transit program. The United Counties of Prescott and Russell will host five public information and consultation meetings this spring, and have set up an online survey, available in either French or English, at www. En, to gather opinions from residents about a proposed regional bus system. —archives -FTEBUFTFUMJFVYEFTSÊVOJPOTTPOUMF BWSJMÆ7BOLMFFL)JMM  SVF.JMM EFVYJÍNF ÊUBHF MF er NBJÆ-JNPHFT  DIFNJO -JNPHFT MFNBJÆ1MBOUBHFOFU   SVF.BJO MFNBJÆ4BJOU&VHÍOF   SVF-BCSPTTF FUMFNBJÆ#PVSHFU   DIFNJO-BWJHOF -PCKFDUJGFTUEFNFUUSFFOQMBDFVO TFSWJDFSÊHJPOBMEFUSBOTQPSUFODPNNVO d’ici septembre de cette année.

Les agents du détachement de Russell de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) ont répondu à 364 appels du 25 au 31 mars dernier. Quelques citoyens de la région ont reçu des chefs d’accusation pour violence conjugale et possession de drogue. —archives

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur • Director GILLES NORMAND Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. MARCO BLAIS, CARL LALONDE Infographie et prépresse Layout & Prepress

1158, Notre-Dame, C.P. / P.O. Box, 1170, Embrun, ON K0A 1W0 Tel.: 613-443-2741 • Fax.: 613-443-1865

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