7 Steps to Recruiting Your Youth Ministry Dream Team (Final…

07 If you do all the other steps perfectly and do not follow up, you will not see the results you are looking for. Remember that God has a plan to work through you to build a powerful Spirit-filled leadership team. If someone declines your ask, that simply means that they are not one of the people God has set aside for you. Move on to the next person on your list. For those people who give you a yes, be prepared to have a next step for them to get involved. So there it is - seven steps to recruit your youth ministry leadership dream team. It does not need to be a dream; it can become a reality. WITH GOD’S HELP YOU CAN DO THIS! God has placed you in leadership and He wants to work through you to advance your ministry to new heights and take the lid off your ministry. To get there, you will need a team, and as you build your team, you will be embarking on a journey of ministry impact and making lifelong ministry friends. May God bless you as you begin to execute this plan. Follow up Every Meeting


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