C+S November 2022 Vol. 8 Issue 11

jected to sit 11.5 miles off the coast of Maryland. Throughout 79,707 acres of ocean, the project is slated to have 126 offshore wind turbines generating 2 gigawatts of power for multiple states. Ocean Wind 1, New Jersey USACE Philadelphia District is serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. This project will sit 13-miles off the coast of Atlantic City, New Jersey. There will be up to 98 offshore wind turbines generating up to 1.1 gigawatts of power annually to 500,000 homes by 2024. South Fork Wind, New York USACE New York District issued a permit and authorized construction in January 2022, to move forward. This project will sit approximately 19 miles southeast of Block Island, Rhode Island, and 35 miles east of Montauk Point, Suffolk County, New York. Throughout approximately 13,700 acres of ocean, there will be up to 12 offshore wind turbines generating approximately 132 megawatts of power for approximately 70,000 homes in New York. Revolution Wind, Rhode Island USACE New England District is serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. This project will sit 18 miles off the coast of Rhode Island. There will be 100 offshore wind turbines generating 704 megawatts of power to 400,000 homes in Rhode Island and Connecticut. New England Wind (Park City Wind & Commonwealth Wind), Massachusetts New England District is serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. This project will sit 19 miles southwest of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. There will be 130 offshore wind turbines generating 2,000 megawatts of power for the Connecticut and Massachusetts power grids. Mayflower Wind, Massachusetts New England District is also serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. This project will sit 26 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. There will be up to 147 offshore wind turbines generating 2,400 megawatts of power for the Massachusetts power grid. Vineyard Wind 1, Massachusetts New England District authorized this project last summer; it will sit 14 miles off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. Throughout approximately 75,614 acres of ocean, there will be 84 offshore wind turbines generating 800 megawatts of energy for the Massachusetts power grid by 2024. USACE addresses climate change The Biden Administration not only tasked federal agencies to work to - gether to fight climate change, but also to develop their own plans. In response, USACE developed a Climate Action Plan in 2021 that benefits its projects, the people working on them, and the communities they serve. “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Climate Action Plan provides ac - tions that demonstrate how the Corps continues to further their efforts to

North Atlantic Division regulatory program manager, gave this exam - ple, “If an underwater transmission cable route would cross a federal channel or the wind developer proposes to cross over an area where USACE is dredging sand for a project, we advise BOEM and the wind energy developers on ways to avoid this.” Following are a few of the offshore wind farm projects planned or moving forward in the waters off the mid-Atlantic and the North- east coastlines. Kitty Hawk Offshore Wind Project, North Carolina USACE Norfolk District is serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. According to BOEM, the project will sit 27 miles off the coast of Kitty Hawk. Throughout 122,405 acres of ocean, there will be up to 69 offshore wind turbines generating 5.2 gigawatts of energy to 700,000 homes by 2026. US - ACE’s South Atlantic Division is also working on this project. Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial Project, Virginia Norfolk District is also serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. This will be the biggest offshore wind farm in the United States and one of the biggest in the world, according to BOEM. This project will sit 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach. Throughout 176 miles of ocean, there will be up to 205 offshore wind turbines generating up to 8.8 million megawatts of power annually to 660,000 homes in 13 states by 2026. U.S. Wind, Maryland USACE Baltimore District is serving as a cooperating agency as part of BOEM’s environmental impact study review. This project is pro - A look at the internal structure of a wind turbine showing three massive blades that harness the power of the wind by turning gears inside a housing. As these gears turn, a connected electrical generator transforms wind power into electricity. Source: Encyclopedia Britannica.


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